Odessa Mechnikov National University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of Translation and Interpreting, Diploma of Translator, Interpreter and Teacher of English and Greek languages:
International Hellenic University, MA in Black Sea Studies: Economy and Politics of the Black Sea Region:
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Certified interpreter/translator + tour guide with over 10 years of work experience in Ukraine and abroad offering services of liaison and simultaneous translation in Odessa and all over Ukraine for individuals and groups, business support, tourist support, etc. Flexible, professional, culturally competent. Available for travel.
I`m a professional interpreter and translator, graduate of Department of Translation and Interpreting of Odessa National University, lived and worked in USA and Greece, permanently based in Odessa and available for business trips within Ukraine and internationally.
During the first 6 years after graduation I worked at the Consulate General of Greece in Odessa and later on at mutinational consulting companies abroad. Since 2014 as a freelance interpreter/translator and tour guide I`ve been successfully cooperating with translation agencies and direct customers at a wide range of events e.g. personal meetings, business meetings, international trainings, conferences, cultural events, notary prodecures, etc.
I do love my job, understand exactly the needs of my customer and therefore do my best to exceed his expectations. I`m well-travelled, outgoing, flexible and responsible, I`d be happy to facilitate your communication with your business partners, be your personal assistant in Ukraine or assist you at any other event that requres my qualifications and skills!
Kulinarie und Lebensmittelindustrie | Generelle Themen | Seemannscaft, Seeschiffe | Tourismus und Reise | Handel und Gewerbe | Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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