You fly to the city abroad, and you have an interview to mass media in the visit schedule: you can’t cope without the qualified interpreter.
A lot of things depend on how interview is organized. Different variants are possible:
1. The interpreter interprets immediately not only questions, which you are asked, but also your answers . The interviewer records all this on a dictophone and after some time full or reduced variant goes to air.
In this case greater demand is made on interpreter’s qualification. At a certain extent it is even more difficult, than simultaneous interpretation. Consecutive interpreter of the high qualification, who is able to remember big pieces of the text and, preferably knows a method of interpreter’s shorthand, will cope with the interview interpretation most successfully.
It will be slightly more difficult for simultaneous interpreter as he should interpret consecutively. And not all simultaneous interpreters are able to do it.
2. Interview goes on the air or (that’s almost same) records at once for air. In this case there are a lot of restrictions for the interpreter complicating his difficult work. Interviewers will tell the interpreter where he has to stand (to be or, on the contrary, not to be in a shot), at what time he can say interpreted text, with what loudness, etc.
3. The simplest variant, but happening less often: the invited interpreter interprets you the questions. You answer separately each question. Questions together with your answers are recorded on a dictophone. And in several days interview shorthand report translated into foreign language as it is going to bepublished in foreign newspaper or magazineit is send to you for coordination. You order to this or other interpreter the return translation of the interview text in English and, if necessary, you introduce corrections in it.
Anyway it is desirable to inform the interpreter in advance what format an interview will be, so that he could gauge his strengths and opportunities. Certainly, in equal conditions, the preference should be given to the interpreter who has already had experience of interview interpretation. Literary speech in foreign language, the clearness of a pronunciation and partly appearance of the interpreter are of great importance.
The interpretation of interview will be more successful if you show questions to interpreter in advance, as well as discuss correct translation of key concepts mentioned in interview, names of positions and organizations.