Specify search parameters on the main page of the website.
In the field «WHERE» specify the city where you need the interpreter. By the first letters the system will prompt variants of possible cities.
Click the field «WHEN» and the window of date and time period choice will open.
Choose date when the interpreter is necessary, then specify time period for this day. Add chosen date and time with the button “Add”. You can specify several days or time periods.
Confirm the date and time choice with the button “Choose”.
In the field «WHAT LANGUAGE» specify the interpretation language you need from the list of languages which interpreters of the chosen city can speak.
After all parameters are set, click on the button SEARCH. Our search robot will immediately start processing your inquiry and in some seconds the page with search results will open.
The list of results in the chosen city can reach up to several dozens of interpreters’ proposals. You can choose the suitable interpreter from a list by means of filters.
You can filter out offers by price using the filter "Interpretation service price".
For a choice of interpreters according to service you are interested in, choose one or several options in the filter "Interpretation services:". Only those who render chosen services will stay among interpreters.
Choose "Interpretation specialization" that is the most suitable for your case. Among possible interpreters there will only stay those who work in Interpretation specialization you need.
You can sort chosen variants of interpreters offered by system according to the main factor for you. If you are interested first of all in inexpensive offers of interpretation service, click on the price sorting - offers with low price will be displayed first in the list. Click on the price sorting once again and the most expensive offers will be shown first. It will allow you to consider proposals of high quality interpreters whose price of services is, usually, higher.
Also you can sort offers taking into account level of interpreter’s summary or date of offer updating.
If you need, you can create new search of interpreters. To do this, change parameters in the search form on this page and click on "SEARCH". The system will offer new variants.
To look through information of the chosen interpreter, details of his offer and interpretation services available for order, click on the interpreter's photo or name. The profile page of the chosen interpreter will open.
There is main description, pairs of interpretation languages and interpretation specialization of the interpreter on the viewing page. Information about Diplomas, Certificates, Experience, Recommendations and Events of the interpreter can be open in separate windows after clicking on these points.
In the section "Similar interpreters" other interpreters in the chosen city are offered. You can have a look at information on any of them by clicking on photo or name.
Services available for order are specified at interpreters’ pages you are looking at. Choose service you are interested in by clicking “Order” opposite the corresponding service.
Right after a choice of interpretation service, the page of order registration will open.
You have to examine parameters of order presented on the order registration page, before starting order registration.
If you are already registered on the website or made the order before, you can make the order quicker, filling in less number of fields. For this purpose authorize the account using login and password. If you are not registered, it’s not necessary to sign up, your account will be registered automatically, just after order registration.
To register order of the chosen service, fill in a form of order registration:
1. Specify your data in the section "Information about the Customer of Services"
2. Specify number of mobile phone for sending notices about the order. Pay attention that specified number is the main means of communication between you and the interpreter that’s why phone number needs to be specified with the international code in a format "+39... " (for Italian numbers). For example if your mobile phone number is 39023150000, it is necessary to specify +39023150000. To check correctness of the specified phone number, test code, which needs to be inserted in the appeared window, is sent to you.
3. Specify the exact address of meeting with the interpreter, using the entry field of the address or using the map of the chosen city
4. You can specify information for the interpreter, which he can need for preparation: schedule of planned meeting, description of the main subjects for discussion at the meeting, etc. Also you can attach description file or presentation which will be sent to the interpreter with rder notice.
Confirm that you acknowledge and agree with Terms and conditions and сlick on "Choose payment method" to save order...
After you have saved the order, choose method of order payment:
If you choose payment by card, to complete registration and pay the order, it is necessary to:
1. Specify card type: VISA or Master Card
2. Enter card number (these are 16 figures on its face)
3. Specify expiration date of the card
4. Enter name and surname of the card holder as they are written on the card
5. Enter card safety code (CVC/CVV) – the additional three-digit code printed on back side of your card
6. Click on the button "Payment"
Order registration and payment transfer will take about a minute. Please, don't press the button of page refreshing and don't close browser window before procedure is completed.
After order registration, the payment transfer, order cost sum will be blocked on your card. You will see the page with details of the order and its confirmation. Drawing of money from the card can happen immediately or in some days time depending on free order cancellation conditions.
In a few minutes after payment making, letter with order details will come to your e-mail, and you will find the receipt on payment and order voucher in attached files. Order voucher is the document confirming registration and payment of the order for chosen interpretation service, therefore we advise to print it or save on the mobile device which you will take on a trip.
If you didn't receive the letter with voucher, receipt and confirmation of order registration, please, check Spam or Undesirable Mail folder. Because of mail sorting settings the letter can get there by mistake. If you can't find the letter, please, contact our free 24/7 support service.
In case of order cancellation the sum will be returned to the same card by means of which it was paid. In certain cases, stipulated in advance, service has the right to hold part or an overall cost of the cancelled order. Terms and conditions of order cancellation are specified near price information, in a special column, as well as in General instructions for use of interpreters.travel service. Examine them before order registration.
If you want to pay the order by bank transfer, click on point "Invoice".
The payment bill can be seen directly on this page. After order registration, the bill will be sent to your e-mail with confirmation of order registration. It is possible to pay the bill by any means convenient for you: by Internet bank system or in bank offices.
Payment needs to be made in time, specified in the bill, in order to avoid automatic order cancellation. As money transfer from one account to another can take about three working days, we recommend you to make payment at least three working days before the expiration of the specified term.
After having received money, we will send the letter to your e-mail, with order payment confirmation, receipt for order payment and order voucher. Order voucher is the document confirming registration and payment of the order for chosen interpretation service, therefore we advise to print it or save on the mobile device which you will take on a trip.
If you didn't receive the letter with voucher, receipt and confirmation of order registration, please, check Spam or Undesirable Mail folder. Because of mail sorting settings the letter can get there by mistake. If you can't find the letter, please, contact our free 24/7 support service.
In case of order cancellation the sum will be returned to the same account which it was paid from. In certain cases, stipulated in advance, service has the right to hold part or an overall cost of the cancelled order. Terms and conditions of order cancellation are specified near price information, in a special column, as well as in General instructions for use of interpreters.travel service. Examine them before order registration.
You can pay an order directly to an interpreter, after executing of the order. Choose payment method "Cash" for this purpose. It is necessary to coordinate a currency of order payment with an interpreter in advance. At cash payment chose, value of order can change at depend on actual course operating at payment time.
You can see all orders and history of searches in your Account. To log in your Account, use login and password which was sent to email specified at registration procedure.
All your orders are reflected in the section "My Orders". it is possible to see any order by clicking on it, and the page of order viewing will open. If the order isn’t fulfilled yet, you can cancel it by clicking on the button “Cancel Order”.
The history of all interpreters’ searches is shown in the section "My Searches". It is possible to see any search by clicking on it, the page of search results with list of interpreters will open.
If you have any questions about our services or need immediate assistance, please contact our support at +357 22 008 050 (8:00 am - 12:00 pm, UTC+3)