The Interpreters.travel OÜ company (hereafter «Interpreters.travel» , «we» , «us» , to «us» or «our» ), registered according to the Legislation of the Republic of Estonia, provides an online platform which connects consumer (hereafter «Client» ) of interpretation services (hereafter «Services» ) and interpreter (hereafter «Interpreter» ) and such Services are offered by ads of Interpreter (hereafter «Ads» ) on the website https://help.interpreters.travel (hereafter the WebSite ).
Using the Site, you agree to observe and be bounded by conditions and provisions of these terms and conditions (hereafter «Terms and conditions» ), regardless of that you are registered user of WebSite or not. These Terms and conditions regulate your access and use of the WebSite and all content (hereafter «Content» ), and are legally binding agreement between you and the Interpreters.travel company. Please, read attentively these Terms and conditions and our Privacy policy which can be found at the address: https://interpreters.travel/help/privacy_policy and which is inseparable part of these Terms and conditions by means of the link.
You confirm and agree that getting access to or using the WebSite or loading or placing any Content from the WebSite or on the WebSite, you thereby declare that you have read, understood and agree to observe these Terms and conditions, regardless you are registered or not. If you don't agree with these Terms and conditions, you have no right to get access to or use the WebSite or Content.
If you accept or agree with these Terms and conditions on behalf of the company or other legal entity, you thereby declare and guarantee that you are entitled to bind such company or other legal entity with these Terms and conditions, and in that case the words "you" and "your" will refer to such company or other legal entity.
Key terms
«Interpreters.travel» - the Interpreters.travel OÜ company, information about which is provided on the page: https://help.interpreters.travel/help/about
«WebSite» is an online platform by means of which Interpreters can publish Ads about interpretation Services and Clients can receive information about interpreters and their interpretation Services, order and get interpretation Services.
«Content» means text, graphic elements, images, information and other materials, which the Interpreters.travel company provides through the Site, including any Content received under license from third party, as well as Content transferred to the Interpreters.travel company and published on the Website by Interpreters and Clients.
«Client» means registered user who order and get interpretation Services through the WebSite.
«Interpreter» means registered user who places the Ads through the WebSite and directly renders Interpretation services.
«Ads» means information about interpretation Services which are offered through the WebSite, placed by Interpreter.
«The order voucher» - the main document that confirms registration and order confirmation.
«Total cost» - price Client has to pay for interpretation Service, with discounts made by Interpreter and including additional fees and taxes if are applicable.
«Order» means confirmation of the intention of the Client to use the Interpretation Service in a chosen city, specific time and date(s), confirmation of payment of the Total Cost and acceptance of the terms offered by the Interpreter in the Ad, and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
«Remote interpretation service» means the use of the Interpretation Service under the conditions specified in the Interpreter's Ad, by means of a voice call of the Interpreter in the registered Account on the WebSite, as well as the Client's confirmation to pay the Total Cost of the Interpretation Service.
How the WebSite works
The WebSite can be used for publishing Ads about Interpreter Services or ordering and using Interpretation services. Such Services are specified by the Interpreter in Ads on the WebSite. You can see Ads as unregistered visitor of WebSite; however, if you want to order and get Interpretation service or to make Ads, you have to be registered and make an account on the WebSite (hereafter «Account» ) as it is described in the section "Account Registration" below.
As it is stated above, the Interpreters.travel company provides an online platform, as well as necessary technologies so that Clients can find the Interpreter of necessary language, in chosen city and order interpretation Services for desirable time, in specified place or to get Interpretation Services remotely. The Interpreters.travel company is not an Interpreter, authorized representative of Interpreter, the employer of Interpreters or interpretation agency which renders Interpretation Services and other services, specified in Ads. Responsibility of the Interpreters.travel company is limited to ensuring availability of the WebSite and performing as an agent with limited authority for each of Interpreters to receive payment from Client in favor of the Interpreter.
Pay attention that the Interpreters.travel company can't control and doesn't control the Content of each Ad, conditions, legality or compliance with any Interpretation service. The Interpreters.travel company doesn't bear responsibility for Ads and Interpretation services and refuses to take any responsibility connected with Ads, Content of Interpreter and Interpretation services. Correspondingly, all procedures on the order of Interpretation services or remote Interpretation services will be carried out at Client’s risk.
Account registration
You can use certain functions of the WebSite - find Interpreter and look through Ads as unregistered user, however to order interpretation Services or get remote interpretation Services you have to sign up and become registered user. We provide the simplified procedure of registration at Interpretation services order placement. Registration and creation of Account are automatic at order placement.
If you want to sign up as Interpreter and publish Ads of interpretation Services, first you have to apply for Account creation on the https://help.interpreters.travel/help/help_interpreter page and then follow instructions in messages. We will create your Account and your profile page based on personal information you provided us with, for you to use the WebSite.
Ads publishing
All Ads about interpretation Services are published according to these Terms and conditions, as well as Terms for Interpreters (hereafter «Terms for Interpreters» ). Terms for Interpreters are published in "FAQ" section of Interpreter’s Account and are available to the Interpreter authorized in his/her Account on the WebSite by means of login and password.
You, being Interpreter who has registered Account and got access to Ads publication on the WebSite, confirm and agree that by getting access to Ads publication you thereby declare that you acknowledge and agree that you have the right to publish Ads only after you have read and accepted Terms for Interpreters, as well as these Terms and conditions and Privacy policy. If you haven’t accepted Terms for Interpreters, these Terms and conditions and Privacy policy, in this case you have not right to publish Ads on the WebSite.
Placement of the order and terms of advance payment for Clients
As it is stated above, the WebSite is an online platform, as well as necessary technologies for search of Interpreter of the necessary language, in the chosen city, for searching of Interpreter, placement of interpretation Service order or using Remote interpretation services, WebSite functions and technologies for selection of suitable Interpreters, viewing their interpretation Services Ads and placing of interpretation Services order through a special form on the WebSite are used.
Concluding the deal with the Interpreter, placing the order for interpretation Service or using of Remote interpretation services, you acknowledge and agree that you will have to make the agreement with Interpreter. You confirm and agree that the Interpreters.travel company isn't one of the parties of such agreements and that, except for the payments stipulated in this document, the Interpreters.travel company doesn't share any responsibility coming as a result of similar agreements or connected with them. You confirm and agree that in spite of the fact that the Interpreters.travel company isn't one of the parties in agreement between you and Interpreter, the Interpreters.travel company acts as payment agent of Interpreter with limited purpose of receiving your payment on behalf of Interpreter. After receiving your payment in favor of the Interpreter by the Interpreters.travel company, your liabilities before Interpreter concerning this sum are satisfied, and the Interpreters.travel company bears responsibility for the transfer of this payment to Interpreter after interpretation Service order is fulfilled or after Remote interpretation service is completed. In case the Interpreters.travel company doesn't make a transfer of this payment to Interpreter, the Interpreter has the right to demand this payment only from the Interpreters.travel company. You agree to pay the Total cost of the order for the interpretation Services made through the Website to the Interpreters.travel company and the Interpreters.travel company, on behalf of the Interpreter, reserves the right:
Terms of cash payment of order to Interpreter
In case of order registration with cash payment directly to the Interpreter, the Client pays cash the order directly to the Interpreter. In this case the Interpreters.travel company does not act as the payment agent of Interpreter and does not bear responsibility for the payment of the executed order for interpretation Service to the Interpreter. In case the Client doesn't make payment of the executed order to the Interpreter, the Interpreter has the right to demand this payment only from the Client, but not from the Interpreters.travel company.
You confirm and agree that acting as the Client, placing the order for Interpretation Service through the Site and choosing an order payment method as cash directly to the Interpreter, you bear individual responsibility to pay to the Interpreter the Total cost of the executed order for interpretation Services in Currency of the interpreter and you bear responsibility for the payment of the executed order for interpretation Service to the Interpreter.
General terms of order cancellation and payment return
Conditions and period of free order cancellation are defined by Interpreter and are specified in Ads and order. If you, being the Client, cancel the order for interpretation Service before the end of free order cancellation period, the Interpreters.travel company will return 100% of the order Total cost. If you want to cancel the order after the end of free order cancellation period but before the beginning of Service rendering, the Interpreters.travel company will return of the sum of the Total cost minus payment for 2 (two) hours of the Service specified in the order. In case when the total number of hours of the Order doesn't exceed 2 (two) hours, return of the Total cost isn't made. If you want to cancel the order after beginning of Service rendering, return of the Total cost isn't made. In case of Interpreter’s substitution when the order is cancelled because there is no Interpreter’s substitute or if such change isn't confirmed by the Client, the Interpreters.travel company will return 100% of order Total cost.
Cancellation of the order with cash payment to the Interpreter.
In case of registration of the order with cash payment directly to the Interpreter, cancellation ofter the end of free order cancellation period but before the beginning of Service rendering, obliges the Client to compensate the sum of payment for 2 (two) hours of the Service specified in the order. Cancellation of the order after the beginning of time of rendering Service, obliges the Client to compensate 100% of order Total cost. Cancellation of the order with cash payment directly to the Interpreter before the end of free order cancellation period completely exempts the Client from order payment.
In cases of Interpreter replacement when the order is cancelled because there is no Interpreter’s substitute or if such change isn't confirmed by the Client, the Interpreters.travel company is completely exempted from any compensation or payment to the Client and the Interpreter for this order and doesn't bear responsibility for consequences of such order cancellation.
Account blocking and removal
We have the right, at our discretion and, without having any responsibility before you, with reason or without, after providing the prior notice or not, at any time to terminate these Terms and conditions or to forbid your access to our WebSite, to deactivate, block or remove your Account. After contract cancellation we will immediately pay you all sums which we will be obliged to pay t you within our obligations. In case the Interpreters.travel company terminates the real Conditions or forbids your access to our WebSite, deactivates or cancels your Account, you will be responsible for all sums which are subject to payment on the contract.
You can remove the Account at any time by sending us the corresponding request at e-mail address: [email protected]. Pay attention that if your Account was removed, we aren't obliged to delete or return you any Content which you published on the WebSite, including, in addition, any comments.
User’s behavior
You acknowledge and agree that you bear full responsibility for observance of any and all laws, terms, resolutions and tax obligations which can be applied to you for use of the WebSite. According to WebSite use you have not right and you agree not to do the following:
Property right
You confirm and agree that the WebSite and the Content, including all related intellectual property rights, are in a sole property of the Interpreters.travel company.
We have the right to allow at our exclusive discretion to the registered users to place, load, publish, send or transfer the Content. Providing the Content on the Site, through the Site, you provide to the Interpreters.travel company with worldwide, irrevocable, termless, non-exclusive, subjected to transfer and not subjected to royalty payment license with the right to sublicense, use, look through, copy, adapt, modify, extend, license, sell, transfer, expose on public display, carry out publicly, transfer, broadcast, get access, look through and otherwise to operate the Content on or through the WebSite. The Interpreters.travel company doesn't assert any property rights of such Content, and none of these Terms and conditions provisions will limit the rights which you can have for use and operation with any of such Content.
You confirm and agree that you bear individual responsibility for all Content which you provide through the WebSite. Correspondingly you declare and guarantee that:
License for the Content
The Interpreters.travel company provides you with limited, non-exclusive, not subjected to transfer license for access and looking through Content, which you have permitted access to in case you observe these Terms and conditions. You have no right to sublicense the license rights identified in the present section. You have no right to use, copy, adapt, modify, create derivative works, extend, license, sell, transfer, represent publicly, send, broadcast or otherwise to operate the WebSite or Content, except the cases which have been specially identified by these Terms and conditions.
Right of use
The Website is intended to be used exclusively by persons who have reached 18 years. Access or WebSite use by any person who hasn't reached 18 years is strictly forbidden. Getting access or using the WebSite you declare and guarantee that your age is not under 18.
The regulating legislation and jurisdiction
The real Conditions have to be interpreted according to laws of the Republic of Estonia. We agree to submit to personal jurisdiction of court of the Republic of Estonia on any trials for which the parties keep the right to achieve application of interim measures of prohibitive character or other judicial remedies by the right of justice in appropriate judicial instance with the purpose to prevent existing or potential violations, illegal assignment or violation of copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, patents or other intellectual property rights of one of the parties.
General provisions
Not executing of any right or provision of these Terms and conditions by the Interpreters.travel company doesn't mean it refuses to execute this right or provision in future. Refusal from any such right or provision will be valid only in case of its registration in written form and signing by authorized representative of the Interpreters.travel company. Except for the cases which have been directly specified in these Terms and conditions, application of any protection means according to these Terms and conditions by any of the parties will be made without harm to other available protection means according to these Terms and conditions or otherwise. If, for any reason, the arbitrator or the court of competent jurisdiction decides that some of provisions of these Terms and conditions are invalid or deprived of validity, such provision will be applied in the most admissible degree, and other provisions of these Terms and conditions will continue in full force.
The Interpreters.travel company reserves the right, at the exclusive discretion, from time to time and without prior notice to make changes on the WebSite or make changes to these Terms and conditions. If we make changes to these Terms and conditions, we are bound to publish changes on the WebSite or provide you with the notice of modification. We also will update "Date of document last update" stated below these Terms and conditions. Until changes are published, such changes aren't applicable to accepted Terms and conditions for order placement by the Client and/or Ad publication by the Interpreter. Continuing to use the WebSite after we have made changes to the WebSite, these Terms and conditions and provided you with the notice of modification, you thereby declare that you agree to observe these Terms and conditions with changes made.
How to contact Interpreters.travel company
If you have questions on these Terms and conditions, apply to the Interpreters.travel company at the address specified in the section of the WebSite "About the Company" at https://help.interpreters.travel/help/about.
Date of document last update: 12 September 2018