You go to foreign clinic for consultation or treatment, and you need local interpreter good at medicine.
Medical interpretation is one of the most difficult types of interpretation. In this case it is always very important to interpret the diagnosis exactly, as well as medical appointments and recommendations. The interpreter who confuses liver and spleen, won't suit you.
To get competent interpretation at a visit of foreign clinic or at consultation with foreign doctor, as a rule, you need medical interpreter not just of general profile, but the interpreter with knowledge of certain area of medicine which the disease belongs to. The interpreter who copes successfully with interpretation on all-medical subjects, will not always be able to interprets consultation on urology or gynecology the same successfully . It is necessary to mention stomatology among the sections of medicine that are most difficult for interpretation . Anyway while choosing the interpreter for visit of medical institutions abroad, it is necessary to consider how detailed the consultation will be; whether subtleties of medical diagnosis and methods of treatment will be discussed or you are going to discuss only some general questions, for example, possibility of hospitalization.
If you have some written extracts and conclusions concerning planned consultation in hand, it is better to translate them into corresponding language in written form in advance and, certainly, to give the interpreter chance to see originals and the translations. If, for any reason, translation wasn't made, the interpreter will have to translate these medical documents at a consultation at sight, it can be extremely difficult and won't allow you to get desirable result from consultation.
Interpreter’s ability to understand accompanying financial documentation is not less important aspect, than correct interpretation of medical terminology. Quite often the patient finds out very late about the real cost of hospital treatment received by him abroad.