You fly with partners or colleagues to the city abroad, and you need local interpreter to accompany you all over the route, starting from hotel or directly from airport of destination.
When delegation goes abroad, the choice of the interpreter in many aspects depends on type and delegation structure, planned program and purposes of visit.
Anyway it is supposed that the interpreter has already had experience of successful business interpreting for delegations of such kind. Strong interpreter of general profile who knows well main subjects, which are planned to be discussed during the trip, as well as local realities will be the best for this role.
It does not necessarily have to be the simultaneous interpreter, because here consecutive interpreting is needed.
Interpretation for delegation is especially responsible. The interpreter will not only interpret but also stay almost constantly with delegation during all the time of its stay in the country. That’s why not the last role is played by good physical form and readiness to work for 15-16 hours per day.
The best for this role is active and sociable person of young or middle age who, besides interpreting at official meetings and visits, will always willingly help not only to the head of delegation, but also to any other member, to solve some questions with hotel, etc., which are out of the official program.
In a word, you are to choose! Choose the interpreter who you will feel most comfortable with during a foreign trip.