Diplomatic or protocol interpretation has much in common with interpretation at negotiations. With only difference that in this case meetings have more official, protocol character. Correspondingly, besides interpretation quality, observance and following a number of formal moments and rules, connected with diplomatic and business etiquette, including strict business suit, a tie, etc., by the interpreter is important.
The interpreter has no right to disclose any information of internal character which he finds out as a result of preparation and participation in such official meeting as the interpreter.
At protocol meetings seating chart, including place of the interpreter, is strictly regulated. Usually the interpreter sits on the right or on the left of the delegation head who he came with. But there are exceptions.
It is important that at representation and during the meeting the interpreter told all names, positions, titles and names of establishments correctly. In order to avoid unpleasant incidents it is better to instruct the interpreter in advance, by providing him with information on names, positions and concepts which can cause additional difficulties for interpretation.
At the diplomatic or protocol interpretation when the head of delegation speaks, he is usually interpreted by "own" interpreter into a foreign language (for example, into Spanish or German). And when the head of foreign delegation takes the floor, he isalso interpreted by "own" interpreter, usually into nonnative English.
It is considered that "own" interpreter knows a question matter in detail, possesses necessary background information and – the main thing! – won't allow ideological distortions when interprets his chief’s thoughts into a foreign language, will tell everything "as it is necessary". And small style abruptness isn't of great importance.
Besides it is always possible to hold own interpreter responsible for incorrect or incomplete interpretation. It is easier to correct him or even to give him a cue if he has difficulty with interpretation of some nuances. And it won't be breach of diplomatic protocol or business etiquette.