You fly to a foreign exhibition as a specialist-visitor and you want to use services of the local interpreter.
Trip to the international specialized exhibition abroad is always a special event. To make exhibition visit most effective, it is important to break a language barrier, to find a common language for business communication. Skilled interpreter will help you to do it. Interpretation at an exhibition has certain peculiarities and isn't similar to any other type of interpretation; therefore to escort individual expert or a group of experts during exhibition visit, it is better to find the interpreter, who has:
Knowing not one, but several foreign languages will be additional plus for the interpreter. Let’s say, not only German, but also English if it is a question of exhibition visit in Germany. After all among participants of an exhibition there can appear those who know German not well.
Interpretation at an exhibition is a public type of interpretation therefore appearance of the interpreter can play an important role.
In practice it is quite often when one interpreter is ordered for all the time of stay in the country. As a rule, any skilled professional interpreter is able to provide the interpretation of business visits and meetings out of an exhibition, besides the interpretation at an exhibition, as well as the interpretation of the cultural program. The main thing is to discuss it with the interpreter in advance so that he could prepare, set himself up and rate his strength correctly.
Another thing is when you participate in an exhibition abroad, you have the stand organized and you need 1-2 local interpreters for the employees working at the stand.
During the work at the exhibition stand, discipline, skill to communicate, physical endurance is required from the interpreter besides purely interpretation skills. During the whole period of exhibition work, Interpreter has to be even-tempered and friendly, readily help to overcome language barrier in communication between stand-assistants and visitors of the stand, as well as between administration of an exhibition and the stand personnel.
It is desirable to provide the interpreter (or interpreters) with advertizing and information materials which are supposed to be used and discussed during an exhibition in advance so that he could prepare, specify the interpretation of necessary terminology. The interpretation will be more successful if from the very beginning you make interpreter’s duties clear and, if possible, inform him about time of the most important business meetings and presentations which are planned at the stand in advance.