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I have been working in Russia as an interpreter as well as a private English tutor since 2013. I had lived and worked in the US since 2001 prior to that. I am fluent in both languages. I graduated from the University of Indiana with a bachelor's degree in finance. In Russia I found myself as a 'freelancer' (tutor and Interpreter).
I have been working in RUssia as an interpreter as well as a private English tutor since 2013. I lived, and worked in the US since 2001. I am fluent in both languages. I graduated from the University of Indiana with a bachelor's degree in finance but once I got back home I found myself as a 'language freelancer', if you will.
I prefer combining my teaching with interpreting jobs. So far I've done about a dozen jobs as an interpreter and I feel I am getting a hang of it. I like working with people from different countries. I miss the western culture here and this is the way of getting in touch sort of speak.
One of my strengths is probably my character. I am just a naturally likable person. So far many clients that I ve had keep contact with me wherever they are in Russia. For instance, a general manager of a Combine Parts (a Chinese company) contacted me on different matters in Russia after I worked for her in Yug Agro 2016. OSCE mission observers contacted me second time in 2018 after I worked with them in 2016.
I know that many interpreters concentrate on specific areas like politics or ingeneering. Thus far I ve done interpreting jobs in the sphere of agriculture, tourism, and construction. I feel pretty confident with my level of English. So much so that, without preparation, I am able to get by even in highly specialised topics. I guess I am just fond of 'words play', like a 'wordsmith'.
I hope to exceed your expectations. Whether you come here on business or for pleasure, you woun't need google translate.
Buchhaltung | Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen | Landwirtschaft | Banking | Kino und Fernsehen | Komputer: Software | Komputer: Systeme und Netzwerk | Bauwesen und Baugeräte | Kulinarie und Lebensmittelindustrie | Wirtschaft | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik
Englisch - Russisch | Russisch - Englisch
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