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Intensive interpretation experience in different contexts: conferences, workshops, meetings, press conference...etc. I interpreted in many high demanding technical events in different fields like: Education, Policy planning, oil and gas, medical, environment, sports...etc.
Freelance translator and interpreter for different workshops and conferences Such as:
Stream training-August 2019- MOE,
BTEK Qualification Training-SEP 2019- Sharjah.
Self-Advocacy Forum – Sharjah – Sep 2019.
Leading with ethics day- Abu Dhabi- Oct 2019.
Algerian delegate visit to Dubai (with the World Bank) - Oct 2019. Using touring device.
Zonescorp workshop – Oct 2019 – Abu Dhabi.
Dubai global self-driving congress- Oct 2019- Dubai
Gotech 2019- Dubai- Oct 2019.
Ferrero Gulf countries annual convention- 30-31 Oct 2019.
Second knowledge day – FANR- October 2019.
Re-igniting the passion and education future- 9-10 Nov 2019.
UAE 5G conference- DEC 2019 – Dubai.
Strengthening collaboration between anti-corruption authorities and supreme audit institutions toward effective prevention and detection of corruption offences- 14-15 DEC 2019.
IRENA Legislator forum – 10 Jan 2020.
Sharjah city for humanitarian services – Training workshops – 5-9 Jan 2020.
Go game workshop (Korean Game) – 14 Jan 2020. Abu Dhabi sport council.
Intersec Middle East 2020- 19-21 Jan 2020.
NSTI conference – 31 Jan 2020- Festival Arena.
FARZ facility launching ceremony- 3 Feb 2020.
Economical substantial activities regulation workshop – 11-12-13 Feb 2020- Dubai.
First unit license launch – FANR-17 Feb 2020.
In addition to large number of press conferences in different fields and few lectures in the ECSSR.
I participated in different inspection visits for different institutions with EDT and Dubai Police.
Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen | Kino und Fernsehen | Komputern und Internet (gesamt) | Folklore | Massenmedien und Journalistik | Sicherheit (gesamt) | Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Ethik | Sport und Sportgeräte | Tourismus und Reise | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik
Englisch - Arabisch | Arabisch - Englisch
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*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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