为什么选择interpreters travel?








意大利, 威尼斯
选择日期: 自 10:00 到 18:00 - 五月 6
威尼斯译员 - Anna Chiara
Anna Chiara


教育 (3) 基本情况确认 联系方式证实
回复率:: 100% 回复时间: 一小时内
I am an interpreter specialised in Italian, English and French Why should you choose me? ✔️If you need to communicate with people of different languages and cultures, I will translate your voice, ensuring an immediate yet effective and high quality communication ✔️ I am a competent, organized and reliable Professional!
✅ Quality makes the difference Hi there! I am a professional Interpreter and I work with Italian (native), English and French 🇮🇹 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇫🇷 With a 2 year MA in Conference Interpreting and a 1 year MA in Scientific and Technical Translation, I have been using my competences and my voice since 2020 to interpret and translate in the following fields: - Insurance - Tech-med / Pharmaceutical - Fashion (clothing, lingerie) - Retail/ Business - Leather goods - Cosmetics - Sustainability and environment - Hair products & Cosmetics - Coffee and Tea - Lighting - Sound design & animation - Sustainability, environment, recycling 👉 I am a competent, qualified, reliable and experience Professional. I believe that an effective, direct and precise communication is essential for the growth of your business, during conferences, events, B2B or executive meetings, and so on; The presence of a professional interpreter also adds a refined touch to the service you offer, demonstrating openness and attention to detail towards your interlocutors! 🔴 There are many things to consider when you want to offer your audience a simultaneous or consecutive translation: - How long will I need an interpreter for? - Will the service be remote or in presence? - How many people will there be in the room? - Is simultaneous the best technique for my event? - The simultaneous interpreter needs to work in a booth, is the booth already in place? - If not, who do I reach out to for a portable system? -... and many more! With my experience I can help you manage your event, find the best technical service and ensure the success of your event! I am always eager to help new clients make the most of their hard work; 📧 Drop me a line and together we'll find what best works for you 🤝
农业 | 建筑,室内设计 | 电影电视 | 化妆品,香水,时尚 | 生态和环境 | 教育,培训和教育学 | 一般话题 | 保险 | 货运 | 纺织业 | 零售业(一般)
法语 - 意大利语 | 意大利语 - 法语 | 意大利语 - 英语 | 英语 - 意大利语
订单服务在五月 6 (10:00 - 18:00): 修改日期,时间 总费用*
за 8小时
电话翻译 960.0 EUR 预定
展会翻译 720.0 EUR 预定
个人陪同翻译 680.0 EUR 预定
演示文稿翻译 720.0 EUR 预定
研讨会或会议翻译 800.0 EUR 预定
新闻发布会翻译 800.0 EUR 预定
访问团陪同翻译 800.0 EUR 预定
谈判翻译 720.0 EUR 预定
庆典翻译 800.0 EUR 预定
Professional translation GET QUOTE


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- 收到订单确认和附有译员联系方式的订单凭证

为什么选择interpreters travel?






