I am a fluent speaker of 5 languages, I also translate for and in. I have a big experience in Fieramilano for international events, companies, and worldwide realities, in culture, commerce, and other fields of industry production.
I have been living in Milan since 13 years, and I have a very solid taste for intellect and knowledge.
I am a very professional, dynamic and educationally distinguished Lebanese girl. I live in Milan, and I speak/write french arabic as mothertongue, have studied english since 8 years old, and work with daily, nearly mothertongue too.
Excellent spanish, certification of excellence obtained in language institute (InLingua, Milano) and spoken for years with spanish in international groups and for work needs (lived 6 months in spain, barcelona, too).
As for italian, I am in italy since 19 years old, completing my university and living here - speak and work with fluently.
As interpreter I have more than 15 years in Fieramilano, with private companies, and have worked also inside the organizational offices of the fairs, for congresses and international events with consecutive interpreting and B2B (business, commerce, medicine, culture, arts, industry, etc.)
I also had an experience for 8 years as arabic-french editor, translator and writer, sometimes for english, and italian texts as well (Doha, London, and Italian museums and editorials) and I own my own blogs (literature, arts, social and fashion.)
I am very discrete, precise and have a highly intellectual mind.
Специализация перевода:
Кино и телевидение | Коммерция (в целом) | Образование, обучение и педагогика | История | Международные отношения и организации | Литература и литературоведение | СМИ, журналистика | Медицина (в целом) | Туризм и путешествия | Вино, виноделие, виноградарство | Бухгалтерский учет
Пары языков перевода:
испанский - английский | английский - испанский | арабский - итальянский | итальянский - арабский | французский - английский | английский - французский | английский - итальянский | итальянский - английский | испанский - арабский | арабский - испанский | французский - итальянский | итальянский - французский | английский - арабский | арабский - английский
*Стоимость заказа за выбранное время, с учетом скидок
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