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Prezi per i servizi degli interpreti senza dei sovrapprezzi d’agenzia

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Giappone, Kyoto
Periodo scelto: dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di settembre 6
Interprete a Kyoto - Sadao

Interprete professionista a Kyoto

(2) Istruzione (1) Contatti verificati
Frequenza delle risposte: 100% Tempo di risposta: Within a few hours
Invii all’interprete una richiesta preventiva o prenoti la data e ora direttamente premendo il tasto “Prenoti” di fianco ai servizi elencati in basso.
Contatti l’interprete
●After residing in the US for 11 years, I am currently residing in Tokyo and have been working as an interpreter for 26 years. ●In case of less than 4 hours, the service rate will be 50% of 8 hour rate. ●I handle both personal and business interpretation; sighteseeing tour, exhibition, presentation, training, business negociation, etc
Since I have enough experience in interpreting for auto companies, my clients often ask me to interpret for Nissan Tochigi Plant tour. However, my expetise is not limited in auto industry. If you need a service for exhibitions, presentations, and business negociations, I'm here to serve you. I usually make it a rule to have a brief talk with you face to face on Zoom before the work day. This helps make the communication smooth. There are occasions where I need to study technical terms beforehand. I also have a passion for travel and have explored Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Consequently, I possess in-depth knowledge about Japanese sightseeing spots that may not be found in typical guidebooks. Prior to escorting my clients, I meticuously research and vet restaurants and gift shops. Additionally, I can provide historial background information for each sightseeing spot upon request. If you have to go to a clinic and have difficulties communication with doctors and nurses, I am here to assist you. I am also well-versed in handling various non-business discussins. In the area of business interpreting services, I have extensive experience interpreting conferences for various companies, with a forcys on automotive industry. I have worked with renowned manufacturers such as Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Mazda, facilitating technical discussions among engineers. Furthermore, I have translatred and interpreted bilingual news for TV. While usually provided with news transcripts before the program, there were instances where the transcripts were delayed, requiring me to interpret untranslated parts simultaneouly. JETRO, the Japan External Trade Organization in Tokyo, a government organizaton aiding foreign companies in entering Japanese market, has been a big client. I have gone an extra miles to give advice on their presentations. I was always happy to see them satisfied.
Specializzazione in traduzione:
Musica e teatro | Produzione automobilistica
Lingue di traduzione:
Inglese - Giapponese | Giapponese - Inglese
Servizi disponibili per un servizio il di settembre 6 (10:00 - 18:00): Cambi la data, ora? Costo*
per 8 ore
Traduzione al seminario od alla conferenza 173.0 EUR Prenoti
Traduzione alle escursioni, servizi d'un guida 176.0 EUR Prenoti
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*Costo di prenotazione per la durata scelta, sconto compreso

Come Prenoti un servizion d’un interprete a Kyoto:

- premere “Prenoti” di fronte al servizio scelto
- effettuare l’ordine mediante la carta di credito o ricevere una fattura per pagamento mediante vaglia bancario.
- ricevere la ricevuta d’ordine ed una Ricevuta contenente dei dati per Contatti l’interprete

Perché scegliere

Prezi per i servizi degli interpreti senza dei sovrapprezzi d’agenzia

Pagamento in linea o in contanti all’interprete

Annullamento gratuito d’ordine, garanzia del rimborso di pagamento

Prenotazione del servizio senza una procedura di registrazione

Sicurezza dei pagamenti in linea, protezione dei dati

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