I have been working in Russia as an interpreter as well as a private English tutor since 2013. I had lived and worked in the US since 2001 prior to that. I am fluent in both languages. I graduated from the University of Indiana with a bachelor's degree in finance. In Russia I found myself as a 'freelancer' (tutor and Interpreter).
I have been working in RUssia as an interpreter as well as a private English tutor since 2013. I lived, and worked in the US since 2001. I am fluent in both languages. I graduated from the University of Indiana with a bachelor's degree in finance but once I got back home I found myself as a 'language freelancer', if you will.
I prefer combining my teaching with interpreting jobs. So far I've done about a dozen jobs as an interpreter and I feel I am getting a hang of it. I like working with people from different countries. I miss the western culture here and this is the way of getting in touch sort of speak.
One of my strengths is probably my character. I am just a naturally likable person. So far many clients that I ve had keep contact with me wherever they are in Russia. For instance, a general manager of a Combine Parts (a Chinese company) contacted me on different matters in Russia after I worked for her in Yug Agro 2016. OSCE mission observers contacted me second time in 2018 after I worked with them in 2016.
I know that many interpreters concentrate on specific areas like politics or ingeneering. Thus far I ve done interpreting jobs in the sphere of agriculture, tourism, and construction. I feel pretty confident with my level of English. So much so that, without preparation, I am able to get by even in highly specialised topics. I guess I am just fond of 'words play', like a 'wordsmith'.
I hope to exceed your expectations. Whether you come here on business or for pleasure, you woun't need google translate.
La especialización de la interpretación:
Contabilidad financiera | Publicidad y Relaciones públicas | Agricultura | Banca | Cine y Televisión | Ordenadores: Software | Ordenadores: Sistemas y Redes | Construcción, Maquinaria de construcción | Culinaria e Industria alimentaria | Economía | Educación, Aprendizaje y Pedagogía
Idiomas de la interpretación:
inglés - ruso | ruso - inglés
Los servicios disponibles para el encargo de de abril 14 (10:00 - 18:00):
¿Cambiar la hora?
*El precio del encargo por el tiempo seleccionado, con los descuentos
Como reservar a un intérprete en Krasnodar:
- Pulsar "Encargar", que está enfrente del servicio seleccionado
- Realizar su encargo con tarjeta crédito, o recibir una factura del pago por transferencia bancaria. También Usted puede elegir a pagar en efectivo al intérprete.
- Recibir una confirmación del encargo y los datos del intérprete para ponerse en contacto
Porqué el interpreters.travel:
Los precios de los intérpretes sin sobretasas de las agencias
El pago en línea o en efectivo al intérprete
Cancelación gratuita, garantías de reembolso de los pagos
Hacer encargo sin registrarse
Posibilidad de hacer encargo para la empresa
Seguridad de los pagos en línea, protección de los datos