Educational institution: Air Force Engineering University
Specialization: Foreign language literature
Diploma: Bachelor of literature :
Educational institution: Shanghai University
Degree: Master degree
Specialization: Finance:
Mandarin Certificate (Level A) 2005/04: TEM 4. TEM 8 (Test for English Major)
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I'm a senior English-Chinese interpreter/translator based in Shanghai, China. Holding a Double Degree (Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Foreign Language) from the Air Force Engineering University let me able to translate legal articles easily and I have more than 6 years of experience in doing English to Chinese language translation.
I have a long list of credentials to my name, justifying my excellent command of both English and Chinese languages. I’m also internationally recognized by institutes all over the world through these accolades:
1) Certificate of Test for English Major Level 8 (The highest level for English majors in China)
2) Certificate of Mandarin Oral Examiner (Level 2)
3) Translator at Level II, certified by CATTI (also known as China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters. Level II is higher than Level III)
Apart from translating corporate documents related to the fields mentioned above, I also specialize in handling translation assignments in various sectors such as: Medical, Beauty and Wellness and Automation, Mechanical and Automotive and localization.
Having a heart which strives for excellence since young, coupled with my unquenchable passion for the Chinese language, I put my heart and soul fully into every assignment given to me. I believe that this discipline was the root motivation for me and saw me through while I was pursuing my Double Degree program. This value instilled within me also accounts for my dedication and efficiency when it comes to handling my translation/transcription assignments, resulting in greater client satisfaction derived from all my clients by far.
Automobilindustire | Chemie und Chemietechnologie | Finanzen und Kredite | Nukleartechnologie, Nuklearphysik | Tourismus und Reise | Bauingeneurwissenschaften
Chinesisch - Englisch | Englisch - Chinesisch
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