Istanbul University
Master's degree, Turkish Language and Literature
Social Sciences Institute, Faculty of Literature
Istanbul, Türkiye:
Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University
Philology Specialist’s degree, Persian Language and Literature
Faculty of Crimean Tatar and Eastern Philology
Simferopol, Ukraine
2011 – 2012
+ Certificate confirming thesis defense on the subject: "Ways of computer vocabulary formation in the Persian language" in English with "excellent" grade and indicating that the level of knowledge and skills obtained is sufficient for using English in professional activities by the specialty "Persian language and literature" (attached to the diploma) Accreditation ID: KP№43540015
Bachelor's degree, Persian Language and Literature
Simferopol, Ukraine
2007 – 2011
+ Translation Internship - 06.2010
Pedagogical Internship - 02.2011, 04.2012:
in einige Stunden
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● Originally Lezgi, born in Azerbaijan, raised in Ukraine and living in Türkiye.
● Engaged in translation and interpreting on national and international platforms.
● Providing Turkish manufacturers and Turkish products sourcing services.
● Since 2014 I have been providing consecutive interpreting services in Istanbul and other cities of Türkiye at international trade exhibitions, business negotiations, seminars, conferences, private meetings, TV shows, interview shootings and other events and also during factory, manufacturing sites, medical institutions, police stations visits and bilingual presenter services at wedding ceremonies. As well as participating in abroad and out-of-town business trips of companies I provide an elbow interpreting.
● In 2018 having the opportunity to work in the subsection of another interpretation branch - simultaneous one called whispered interpretation at the International Conference on Islamic Psychology held at Zaim University in Istanbul I gained experience in this field.
● Since 2022 I have been taking part in live broadcast simultaneous interpretation projects at Türkiye's State Television Institution broadcasting in English.
● Procurement of foreign language speaking staff for fairs and other events held in Türkiye is among my activities.
● As a representative of an Indian rice manufacturer company in Türkiye, I had been working on their product marketing and import operations. Besides that I handled digital outbound marketing and export operations of a company in the HVAC equipment industry. Among the sectors I carried through foreign marketing and export by representing Turkish manufacturer companies there are natural stone and marble industry.
● Along with this I provide consulting and sourcing services for those who wish to contact manufacturers in Türkiye in almost every industry. Among them are those who have their ready-to-wear brands abroad and who want to produce their collections in Türkiye alongside those who aim to buy wholesale textile, ceramics, marble, spare parts, furniture, cosmetics, leather goods, label printing, foodstuff, shoes and other goods made in Türkiye...
Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen | Landwirtschaft | Automobilindustire | Kommerz (gesamt) | Komputern und Internet (gesamt) | Kosmetik, Parfümerie, Fashion | Anlagen: Industrie | Medizin: Gesundheitspflege | Txtilindustrie | Handel und Gewerbe
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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