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Young experienced, presentable translator, teacher and guide. I work more than three years. I translate both for business and for the daily affairs + provide the services of a guide and companion, operating not only in Kiev but also in Ukraine.
Young experienced, presentable translator, teacher and guide. I work more than three years. I translate both for business and for daily activities + provide the services of a guide and companion, operating not only in Kiev but also in Ukraine.
Volunteer in the project of the American Embassy "Window on America" at the American Library. I'm participating in various activities in Kiev, doing tours and translation for foreigners.
In my face you will find not only the best interpreter for the best price, but also a friend companion and helper. I hope to work with you soon. All the best and good time here in Ukraine!
Kommerz (gesamt) | Tourismus und Reise | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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- klicken Sie auf "Buchen" gegenüber ausgewählten Dienstleistung
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