Hello there. I am an interpreter for many years, living in İzmir. Since ı am an archaeologist ı would guide your historical tour in this region as well as for business purposes.
I have been translating academic articles in art history and the medical field for many years. I will meet with business people in the offices and interpret them with each other. The subject of these meetings USUALLY includes internationally trade import-export as well as global advertising.
I will also meet with visitors to show them all around the city İstanbul and give them a native point of view more than a touristy event while considering the pandemic conditions and regulations. These events include visiting cultural places such as ruins, museums, ancient sites, also seeing the most delicious traditional food places...
Specializzazione in traduzione:
Pubblicità e PR | Archeologia | Turismo e viaggi
Lingue di traduzione:
Armeno - Inglese | Inglese - Armeno | Turco - Inglese | Inglese - Turco
Servizi disponibili per un servizio il d’aprile 14 (10:00 - 18:00):
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