I am a person of patient, careful and diligent character. I think highly of teamwork and have fairly good communicative ability. I’ve always been seeing translation and interpretation as my dream career and I insist that I am qualified for doing this.
Interpretation Experience
2014.7 Spine Medical Technology Company Interpretation
I am the guide for Dr. Michael Graham, the American foot surgeon, for his stay in Beijing; Interpreting for him during his communication with the patients; Interpreting for the Hyprocure meeting in Beijing and Shanghai.
2013.9-2014.6 Cohim Fashion Training Organization Consecutive Interpretation
Class interpretation for the foreign teachers from the US, Britain and Holland, and the classes include Fashion Buying, Visual Merchandising, Floral Design and Window Designing; Interpreting for the meeting between the foreign teachers and the management of the company.
2014.3 Interpretation for the foreign customer of the travel agency.
2013.4 Medical Exhibition at the ICC Interpretation
Interpreting for the attendants at the medical exhibition.
2012.10 Academic Meeting at BUAA Interpretation
Interpreting for the ambassadors and counselors from the southeast countries at the meeting.
2011.4-2011.7 Foreign Affairs Office of Weifang Medical University Interpretation
I’m in charge of the communicative and administrative work of the international students, thus have developed the communicative and cooperative abilities.
Specializzazione in traduzione:
Contabilizzazione | Commercio (in generale) | Cosmetici, profumi, moda | Gestione e amministrazione | Medicina: farmaceutica | Turismo e viaggi | Medicina (in genrale)
Lingue di traduzione:
Inglese - Chinese | Chinese - Inglese
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