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Interprète/traducteur à Madrid expérimentée avec connaissance et prononciation parfaite des langues suivantes: anglais, espagnol, français, portugais
1 year experience as translator/interpreter, fields of immigration, gender, asylum seekers and refugees (SEPROTEC, ACCEM) in Madrid.
10 years experience translating official reports, acting as interpreter in meetings and technical visits in the field of International Cooperation for Development, working for private foundations (SFI) , National Organizations (AECID) and International Organizations (UNWOMEN, UNDP, UN-Habitat, UNFPA) in Spain, Brazil and other European countries as technitian and consultant.
4 years experience as social sciences researcher at UCM in Madrid.
2 years experience in administrative work at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (Madrid).
PhD in Geography and History, Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Master in Geography and History, with postgraduate courses linked with International Cooperation for Development and Human Rights.
Good knowledge of Porguese, English and French and basic knowledge of Danish and Italian.
Spécialisation d’interprétation :
Anthropologie | Archéologie | Formation, apprentissage et pédagogie | Histoire | Relations internationales et les organisations | Tourisme et Voyage
*Le coût de la commande pendant la période choisie, en tenant compte des réductions
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Pourquoi :
Prix des interprètes sans marges d'agence
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Annulation gratuite, garanties de remboursement du paiement
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