Uzbekistán, Taskent
El período seleccionado: desde 10:00 hasta 18:00 - de enero 10
Intérprete profesional en Taskent
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I graduated in 2011 from Fergana State University in Uzbekistan and hold a Bachelor’s degree in English philology, studying English language and Literature as my major and French as a Second Language as a minor subject.
I graduated in 2011 from Fergana State University in Uzbekistan and hold a Bachelor’s degree in English philology, studying English language and Literature as my major and French as a Second Language as a minor subject. In addition, I hold a Postgraduate Certificate of Special Study in Teaching and Learning from Westminster International University in Tashkent validated by University of Westminster in London. Having established myself as a language teacher, now I intend to broaden my horizon and work in various non-governmental institutions to promote Sustainable Development Goals.
During my years as an undergraduate student, I got involved in a youth organization, volunteering in teaching computer and language skills to children with disabilities, organizing events in the orphanages and collaborating with UNDP and UNFPA projects on promoting Millennium Development Goals.
As a translator and teacher, I had a chance to work in secondary education in Uzbekistan for several years after graduation. Participation in Fulbright FLTA program enabled me to represent my culture and country in the USA and indulge myself in rich cultural life both working in an international academic community of University of Texas and interacting with my peers from other countries. All of this experience inspired me to proceed with learning languages and cultures and be able to work as a mediator, liaison and interpreter in NGOs.
La especialización de la interpretación:
Publicidad y Relaciones públicas | Ecología y Medio Ambiente | Economía | Relaciones internacionales y Organizaciones | Derecho: (en general) | Logística | Medicina: Farmacia | Minería y Geología | Gobierno, Política | Hostelería y Turismo | Medios de comunicación, Periodismo
Idiomas de la interpretación:
inglés - uzbeko | uzbeko - inglés | ruso - uzbeko | uzbeko - ruso | inglés - ruso | ruso - inglés
Los servicios disponibles para el encargo de de enero 10 (10:00 - 18:00): ¿Cambiar la hora? |
El precio*
por 8 horas |
Encargo |
Acompañamiento de personas privadas
Cancelación gratuita
93.0 EUR Encargar | |
Interpretación en negociaciones
Cancelación gratuita
233.0 EUR Encargar | |
Interpretación en una exposición
Cancelación gratuita
149.0 EUR Encargar | |
Interpretación de conferencia telefónica
Cancelación gratuita
187.0 EUR Encargar | |
Interpretación de un seminario o conferencia
Cancelación gratuita
373.0 EUR Encargar | |
Professional translation | GET QUOTE |
*El precio del encargo por el tiempo seleccionado, con los descuentos
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