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Tschechien, Prag
Ausgewählte Periode: von 10:00 bis 18:00 - 6 Mai
Dolmetscher in Prag - Tamara

Professionelle Dolmetscher in Prag

(1) Ausbildung (2) Geprüfte Kontaktdaten
Antwortfrequenz: 100% Antwortdauer: innerhalb eine Stunde
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Dolmetscher kontaktieren
Barcelona-based Czech, Hungarian, Spanish and Catalan translator and interpreter, with large and wide experience accross different areas. I love challenges.
I am a plurilingual person born and raised in Prague, Czech Republic, but living since 1997 in Spain, mostly Barcelona. My family in Prague is Czech and Hungarian, so I got used to living and switching between two very different languagues since my early childhood. Currently my "daily" switching is among Czech, Spanish and Catalan, but I work with Hungarian and English as well. Translating and interpreting is part of my life, of my way of being. I love that feeling I am able to connect a person with an idea, which would be unaccesible due to language differences. And I love learning about new areas, topics, issues, ideas, people, knowledges and a long etc., which come with every challenging job. While interpreting, I of course pay attention to the transmission of the meaning and the speaker's intention, but I seek as well the best way to express it. I believe the speech that the final client listens to must be not only technicaly exact, but also nice. It must be a language, not only an excerpt of the speaker's ideas. Before the job, I spend a time learning about the client's expertise, preparing terminology tables and trying to imagine the flow of the ideas to come, and all that helps me to feel me more comfortable with new and previously untouched situations, topics and of course people. As for translation, I work mostly on minor projects, but I would love to raise gradually the amounts. I find challenging any topic that makes me understand a bit more about our lives, our world, our civilization etc. I always try hard to find the exact terminology, the correct expressions and the final text to be read easily. I am a mother of FOUR small and teenage daughters and I insist on stating this as a professional information, because it is one. I am not always online and I am not all the time available. Still I am still a good professional; children are very good teachers in a lot of areas. Just keep it in mind while contacting, thanks!
Landwirtschaft | Generelle Themen | Geschichte | Linguistik | Marketing, Marktforschung | Musik und Theater | Energiewirtschaft und Energieeinsparung | Tourismus und Reise | Handel und Gewerbe | Industriefertigung
Katalanisch - Tschechisch | Tschechisch - Katalanisch | Englisch - Tschechisch | Hungarisch - Tschechisch | Tschechisch - Hungarisch | Hungarisch - Spanisch | Spanisch - Hungarisch | Tschechisch - Spanisch | Spanisch - Tschechisch
Dienstleistungen, welche für Buchung verfügbar 6 Mai (10:00 - 18:00): Datum, Zeit ändern? Preise*
für 8 Stunden
Verhandlungsdolmetschen 317.68 EUR Buchen
Dolmetschen der Telefongespräche 304.0 EUR Buchen
Begleitung der Delegationen 352.0 EUR Buchen
Seminar- Konferenzolmetschen 880.0 EUR Buchen
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt

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Warum interpreters.travel:

Die Preise ohne Vermittlungsgebühren

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Kostenlose Stornierung, Rückzahlungsgarantie

Buchung ohne Anmeldung

Buchung auf das Unternehmen

Sichere Onlinezahlungen, Datenschutz

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