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Knowledge of business terminology. Organization and Participation of business trips. Organization of educational trips for clients. Interpreting at working and representative meetings and negotiations (especially agro- and financial English). Simultaneous interpretation.
Contracting and monitoring the sales` contracts with the channel. Control of the fulfillment, timely payment and terms` settling. Regional market data collection and analysis on regional players, competitors, pricing and CP and seeds` demand and supply. Meeting and negotiating with end-users, agronomists, business owners. Monitoring their status on financial status, subsidies, their CP and seeds` basket. Company`s Sales analytics. Marketing public events, exhibitions, B2B activities, participation and organization. Regional launch of CRM on Salesforce basis. Participation in strategic Business-planning of the regional team. Organization and Participation in loyalty trips with customers. Organization of educational trips for clients and visiting construction and HQ-centres of the company worldwide. Interpreting at working and representative meetings and negotiations (agrochemical and financial English). Responsibility for Good Growth Plan Project in Russia. Maintenance of the Projects` obligations locally.
Corporate and public communication articles. Editing and issuing corporate video-releases at Youtube corporate site.
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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