Certified Interpreter and Translator for the Law Courts and Notaries in Bangkok - Thailand
After her studies at the renowned Thammasat University in Bangkok she worked as a reporter for a leading newspaper in Bangkok before going to Germany to continue her studies of the German language in Frankfurt/Main. Since 1990 she is certified translator and runs her own translation business.
Later, she moved to China to study Chinese at the Beijing University while supporting the Thai Embassy in Beijing as an interpreter for Thai and Chinese language.
Over the years she established a reputable translation firm in Germany and in Thailand and was appointed as translator and interpreter for corporations and ministries in Thailand and Germany. Working with clients from various industries, she became an expert in language services as well as related areas such as document handling, official procedures, or registrations.
Специализация перевода:
Общеразговорные темы | Юриспруденция: судопроизводство | Юриспруденция (в целом)
Пары языков перевода:
китайский - тайский | тайский - китайский | немецкий - тайский | тайский - немецкий | английский - тайский | тайский - английский
*Стоимость заказа за выбранное время, с учетом скидок
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- нажать "Заказать" напротив выбранной услуги
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