Prezzo del servizio interpreti a Berlino

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Su interpreti a Berlino

Per quali occasioni?

Su questa pagina sono presenti gli interpreti a Berlino con varia qualifica, esperienza, specializzazione ed è possibile consultare anche il costo del servizio. In questo modo potete ordinare il servizio con l’interprete per una negoziazione con i partner, per una visita in fiera, una conferenza, visita al centro medico, per una commissione in banca, per una accompagnamento personale e per qualsiasi altra occasione.

Come scegliere?

Tutti gli interpreti a Berlino pubblicati su sono in grado di fornire il servizio di interpretariato durante gli incontri, in fiera o in banca e anche il servizio di accompagnamento per la città di Berlino. Per l’interpretariato nelle conferenze con l’utilizzo dell’interpretariato sincronizzato con gli appositi strumenti serve prenotare un interprete che fornisce tale servizio.


Gli interpreti a Berlino pubblicati su vengono sottoposti al controllo dagli esperti che confermano il numero di telefono e la posta elettronica forniti con i documenti della laurea e i documenti d’identità e anche i feedback dei clienti che hanno prenotato e pagato tramite

81 dei 234 interpreti a Berlino sono accessibili per un ordine

Costo per 8 hours (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 - di gennaio 6), sconto compreso. Cambi la data, ora?
Prenoti ora, paghi dopo. Annullamento gratuito della richiesta! Senza supplementi.
Interprete a Berlino - Olga
€190/8 ore
For many years I have also been engaged in the international film industry as a dialogue coach and interpreter for Russian, German and English languages – including major German and international film productions. I also have experience in working as an interpreter and translator in f.e. business, medicine, fashion, art, architecture a.o.
Interprete a Berlino - Yaroslava
€720/8 ore
I am a professional interpreter, experienced in remote and in-person interpretation during negotiations, interviews, conferences, film production etc., both simultaneous and consecutive. I will be happy to make your event a success with reliable and professional translation.
Interprete a Berlino - Юрий
€350/8 ore
Discount arrow -13 %
Устный и письменный переводчик в Германи и Швейцарии, языковая комбинация русский - немецкий. Многолетний опыт перевода и знание Германии и Швейцарии. Сопровождение при посещении врача, на деловых переговорах, презентациях, экскурсиях, при шопинге и др.
Interprete a Berlino - Artur
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -14 %
I offer services of an experienced accompanying interpreter for trips and visits to various authorities and events: Bürgeramt, Senat, Jobcenter, lawyer, court, doctor appointments, consulates and embassies, schools, business-audit. Also events, conferences and negotiations. Languages: German, English, Russian. Payment is hourly.
Interprete a Berlino - Раиса
€160/8 ore
Discount arrow -17 %
Внештатный переводчик в Берлине. Языки перевода: Русский - Немецкий - Польский. Большой опыт переводческой деятельности.
Interprete a Berlino - Maria
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -33 %
More than 12 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Berlin. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprete a Berlino - Igor
€600/8 ore
I'm a professional interpreter/translator/editor/journalist. My experience and education have helped me become versatile in many subjects and aspects of multilingual communication. My strongest expertise lies in business, management, banking, finance, construction and automotive subject areas.
Interprete a Berlino - Irina
€176/8 ore
Discount arrow -12 %
I specialise in translation and interpretation in such fields as construction, real estate, marketing, art and design. I have extensive experience as a liaison interpreter in various fields (construction, business). I also accompany clients to interviews in the American Consulate. I look forward to your enquiries.
Interprete a Berlino - Marina
€400/8 ore
More than 11 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Kiev. Interpretation, translation, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprete a Berlino - Yury
€360/8 ore
Discount arrow -10 %
Educational and professional background in engineering, business, mass communication, PR, marketing, publishing, logistics, event management.
Interprete a Berlino - Daria
€360/8 ore
Discount arrow -10 %
My name is Daria, I am an experienced interpreter, translator and linguist. In 2021 I graduated from university, but my professional journey started in 2014. During my studies I translated articles and documents into different languages, worked as an interpreter in hospitals, lawyer's offices and cultural events.
Interprete a Berlino - Edita
€160/8 ore
Discount arrow -20 %
More than 10 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Berlin. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprete a Berlino - Мария
€240/8 ore
Discount arrow -19 %
Внештатный переводчик в Берлине, работающий с русско-немецким письменным и устным переводом в металлургии, компьютерной техники, медицине, обработке древесины, патентах, транспорте, логистике.
Interprete a Berlino - Elena
€440/8 ore
The diplomaed interpreter of English and German languages with experience of consecutive interpretation at exhibitions and conferences in Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover, Leipzig, Dresden and other cities of Germany.
Interprete a Berlino - Olga
€340/8 ore
Professional interpreter and translator in Germany for English, German and Russian (native speaker) over 15 years of experience.
Interprete a Berlino - Инна
€184/8 ore
Discount arrow -8 %
Добрый день! Меня зовут Инна и я являюсь устным переводчиком, который специализируется на широком тематическом спектре: начиная от туризма в Германии, заканчивая переводом конференций и мастерклассов. Открытость, стрессоустойчивость и знание своего дела - это важные качества, которыми должен владеть устный переводчик.
Interprete a Berlino - Елена
€224/8 ore
15 лет живу в Германии, закончила университет им. Гумбольдта в Берлине, учусь на переводчика в Русской Школе г Дюссельдорф. Работаю больше 5ти лет устным и письменным переводчиком. Буду рада сотрудничеству
Interprete a Berlino - Анна
€168/8 ore
Discount arrow -30 %
Частный переводчик немецкого и русского языков в Берлине, предлагающий услуги перевода на выставках, переговорах и других мероприятиях
Interprete a Berlino - Aygul
€240/8 ore
More than 10 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Berlin. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprete a Berlino - Tetiana
€200/8 ore
More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Berlin. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprete a Berlino - Anna
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -29 %
Sono un'interprete e traduttrice in coppia linguistica Russo-Italiano con sede a Berlin Schoeneberg, lavoro professionalmente dal 2015 per un’ampia base di clienti, tra cui agenzie d'interpretariato e clienti privati, sia italiani che russi.
Interprete a Berlino - Евгения
€360/8 ore
Внештатный переводчик в Берлине, работающий с русско-немецким письменным и устным переводом в металлургии, компьютерной техники, медицине, обработке древесины, патентах, транспорте, логистике
Interprete a Berlino - Ольга
€480/8 ore
Discount arrow -29 %
Переводчик в Берлине (Германия). Опыт 25 лет. Языки: русский, немецкий, польский
Interprete a Berlino - Алексей
€208/8 ore
Discount arrow -16 %
Я амбициозный человек и готов учиться. Ответственен, точен и работоспособен. Не раз находил выход в неординарных ситуациях и делал всё возможное, чтобы поддержать хорошую атмосферу при встрече.
Interprete a Berlino - Alexander
€128/8 ore
Discount arrow -16 %
More than 5 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Berlin. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).
Interprete a Berlino - Polina
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -11 %
I've worked as an interpreter at the numerous international congresses, conferences and fairs in Berlin. I've an Experience in the field of sales and Human Resource. I'm studying publicism and communication science as well as marketing and film science at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Interprete a Berlino - Anna
€320/8 ore
10 years'+ international experience. Conference Interpreter (М.A.). German, Russian, English, Ukrainian. Consecutive, simultaneous, liaison interpretation. Medical interpretation. Interpreting at trade shows, exhibitions, technical seminars, trainings, business events etc.
Interprete a Berlino - Rimma
€200/8 ore
Discount arrow -21 %
24 years of interpreting experience, all language pairs mentioned, ATA certification
Interprete a Berlino - Veronika
€280/8 ore
Discount arrow -19 %
Я имею не только высокую квалификацию, но и опыт работы или образование, соответствующие сфере вашей деятельности: технической, экономической, медицинской, а также обладаю опытом публичных выступлений. Я говорю на немецком, английском и русском языках в любой комбинации
Interprete a Berlino - Mariya
€420/8 ore
Discount arrow -25 %
Buongiorno, sono interprete e traduttrice professionale con la specializzazione nell'ambito tecnico. Offro il servizio d'interpretariato consecutivo e simultaneo, incluso chuchotage. Sarò lieta di offrirvi il supporto linguistico di altissima qualità durante le conferenze, meeting e negoziazioni.
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