I hold Bachelor degree in Business Administration from Swiss German University, Indonesia. I have had working experience in the multinational company. Also, I have been working as a freelance translator in Online News Media for voluntary work. My strengths are in General Business, Travel & Tourism, Culture, Art, and Islamic World & News.
I hold Bachelor degree in Business Administration from Swiss German University, Indonesia. I have had working experience in the multinational company as well as in cross business functions. Moreover, I have hands-on experience in the area of Corporate Governance & Compliance. During my tenure, my key role was maintaining and updating the effectiveness of Policies and Procedures within the area of Purchasing and Finance. I also have involved in the project for Compliance Department, I was in charge in developing comprehensive control within the company in order to comply with the Global Policies and Procedures. In addition to that, my scope of work was handling various document translation from English to Indonesian and vice versa. In my current position as a freelance translator, I had worked on translation of Company’s Policies and Procedures from English to Indonesia and I have been doing translation work for online news media.
I have good command in reading, writing and speaking English language and have traveled a few times to English speaking countries. I also have adequate interpersonal skill and communication skill. I love to teach or to share my experiences and know how just to empower some fresh ideas. Creativity is also another way of distributing my interest. I like to cook and try different recipes and I like to make some designs and photographs.
Specializzazione in traduzione:
Agricoltura | Architettura, progettazione degli interni | Arte, artigianato, pittura | Commercio (in generale) | Culinaria e industria alimentare | Educazione, insegnamento e pedagogia | Commercio elettronico | Folclore | Argomenti di conversazione generale | Storia | Gestione e amministrazione
Lingue di traduzione:
Indonesiano - Inglese | Inglese - Indonesiano
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