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The fields that I provide both written and oral translation service include: Processing of precise auto-parts, commercial conferences of medical equipment, machines, legal cases, Environmental conservancy projects, immigration and cultural promotion, cosmetics, furniture, Shoe manufacturing, toys, ,garments, and tourism,etc.
* Interpretating in the filed of Mechanics, equpments and precise parts processing: 2015-2016 Medical equipments: commercial meetings on importing medical equpiments between a Chinese medical instrument importor and an Italian manufacturer.. .2011-2015 Precise parts manufacturing and processing: over the past years, I have been working with a precise auto-parts manufacturer from US as an interpreter and translator when their coleages stay in an OEM factories in China. The related techniques and processes include OD grand, Auto-lathe cutting, heat treat, chamfer, vibratory, etc..I give my interpreation service to them in workshop and during meetings.
*Legal cases: .2014 Hired by a translation company , I interpreted for a German client, who brought a Chinese lawyer to a local Police station for a long discussion on his case. 2015. Hired by a translation company, I interpreted for a meeting between a prison workers, officials from X country embassy and the imate.
*Le coût de la commande pendant la période choisie, en tenant compte des réductions
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