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I am a graduate in Translation and Interpreting (specialized in French/English>Spanish/Galician) and in Touristic Companies and Services (French and English as specialized languages). I have also done five years of French studies at the State School of Languages in Vigo. In short, I have thirteen years of both English and French studies.
Dear Sir or Madame,
I am a graduate in Translation and Interpreting (specialized in French/English>Spanish/Galician) and also in Touristic Companies and Services (French and English as specialized languages). I have done five years of French studies at the State School of Languages in Vigo. During the last year of my Translation studies, I have made simultaneous interpreting Spanish>French for the X Scientific and Professional Conferences on Medical Translation.
Regarding my professional experience, I have worked efficiently in many environments, the work with languages and human contact being some of the most gratifying to me. I have led a group of Galician students in Chester, United Kingdom, who went there to learn oral English and grammar. I have also taught Spanish language in three high schools, Félix Faure and Jeanne Hachette in Beauvais, and Amiral Ronarc’h in Brest.
I have also had the opportunity of working as a volunteer interpreter for the World March of Women. I gave whispered, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting in different pairs of languages (English>French; French>Spanish>French; French>Galician).
I am a kind and open person, as well as responsible, collaborative and organized. I always love what I do, whether in my studies or in my professional environment. I am able to work under pressure and to quickly solve the problems related to any simultaneous or consecutive interpretation.
Ekologie und Umweltschutz | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik | Generelle Themen | Literatur und Literaturkritik | Marketing, Marktforschung | Massenmedien und Journalistik | Medizin (gesamt) | Psychologie und Psychiatrie | Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Ethik | Tourismus und Reise | Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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