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I am a professional Interpreter and traslator in all the directions Russian - Italian - English.
I adore interpreting!
I have dealt with many sectors through the years, but I believe that technical and commercial sectors are my favorite.
For translation I use SDL Trados, and for drawings in Autocad I use ZTrad.
I am a professional Interpreter and traslator in all the directions Russian - Italian - English.
I adore interpreting!
I have dealt with many sectors through the years, but I believe that technical and commercial sectors are my favourite.
For transaltion I use SDL Trados, and for drawings in Autocad I use ZTrad.
I like interpreting during commercial negotiations, reading and assisting to analyze contracts.
When I work with people I take into account their cultural diversity and, therefore, reduce misunderstandings. I try always to reach a positive outcome for the clients during the negotiations. And I do much more than just an interpreter afterwards. If needed I manage different issues between the parties, legfal and contractual issues as well.
Automobilindustire | Kommerz (gesamt) | Komputern und Internet (gesamt) | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik | Spliele, Videospiele, Glückspiele, Kasino | Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen | Jura: Rechtshandlungen | Medizin (gesamt) | Öl und Gas | Anlagen: Industrie
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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