Nankai University in Tianjin, China. Chinese Language, one year language course and practice. :
Saint-Petersburg State University, Chinese and English Philology, quit it on the last year of studies to persue self-education.:
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Hi, my name is Pasha, and I have been in constant process of learning English almost the half of my life, an the biggest part of it was self-education.
I have tried simultaneous first when I was at school, and since then I have had chance to work and make friends with some amazing people from all over the world.
My name is Pasha, and I am a self-educated English interpreter and writer in both Enlgish and Russian.
From very early on, I had passion for English and it hasn't changed so far. I've done some interpreting for seminars on permaculture, business meetings and project presentations, I did both simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. I have also done travel assistence and was a guide in Saint-Petersburg, the city inspired me a lot and in a way mouldem me during my adolescence.
I worked with Jaman Tree, had chance to meet and work with Joanna Stingray and Jeff Monson.
I also do written interpretation and teach English.
I am interested and also have some knowledge and experience working in such fields as: ecology, agriculture, food industry (organic, eco-friendly), culinary, theatre and art, psychology and mindfulness, fashion and design, traveling and literature. So I would love to participate in projects that have something to do with these things.
I also speak Chinese and have experience living and traveling in China.
I am flexible, fast-thinking and creative, and I learn fast, so feel free to contact me even if I haven't mentioned the field you need to do the interpreting for.
Landwirtschaft | Kunst, Handwerk, Malerei | Kulinarie und Lebensmittelindustrie | Kosmetik, Parfümerie, Fashion | Musik und Theater | Psychologie und Psychiatrie
Englisch - Russisch | Russisch - Englisch
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