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My background in successfully writing and translate articles and interpret for Bangkok post newspaper prepare me to meet your needs and requirements for the project. I am confident to deliver meticulous and reliable translations to achieve the closest matches possible.
My expertise are write an English articles in various subjects and I translate English to Thai documents and vice versa; also I perform verbal language interpretation on occasion.
My background in successfully writing and translate articles for Bangkok post newspaper prepare me to meet your needs and requirements for the project. I am confident to deliver meticulous and reliable translations to achieve the closest matches possible.
Highlights of my experience include the following…
Delivering excellent translation services while meeting all requirements and deadlines.
Freelance writer.
Ensuring seamless style, context, and overall meaning in the target language for all translated materials
Organized and personable with an outstanding reputation for excellent team collaboration.
Kunst, Handwerk, Malerei | Banking | Komputern und Internet (gesamt) | Wirtschaft | Finanzen und Kredite | Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen
Thai - Englisch | Englisch - Thai
Dienstleistungen, welche für Buchung verfügbar 15 April (10:00 - 18:00):
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*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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