Ägypten, Kairo
Ausgewählte Periode: von 10:00 bis 18:00 - 15 April
Professionelle Dolmetscher in Kairo
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I discovered my passion for translation and poetry in high school, since then I began to pursue my passion. Now I am a freelance translator who entered the sphere of translation 8 years ago realizing that it is a long journey of constant learning and discovering depths of innovation and creativity; doing so, I have been dealing with a broad number of translation offices and companies, law firms, religious organizations, and tourism companies. I wrote more than 50 poems and translated a large number of books in 6 years amounting to 20 books, the majority of them is religious, while the others are psychological and scientific; and more than 2 thousand legal documents including summons, litigation, constitutions, contracts, etc. since 2006 till now, in addition to proofreading more than 70 books in Arabic published worldwide. In 2012 I got my accreditation and seals from the Egyptian Translators' Association, and in 2013 I passed the test of legal English skills (TOLES) with good grade, by doing so I enhanced my credentials in legal translation field.
I had experience in interpreting too as I took part in one-on-one sessions, interpretations before courts and notary public, lectures, meetings, and the most remarkable event I took part in was a ten-lecture conference in Kingdom of Saudi Arabic addressing establishing the scientific centers in the Kingdom, in addition to subtitling, editing, etc.
Buchhaltung | Jura (gesamt) | Jura: Verträge | Jura: Rechtshandlungen | Jura: Patente, Trademarken, Copyright | Jura: Steuern- und Zollangelegenheitem | Massenmedien und Journalistik | Generelle Themen
Englisch - Arabisch | Arabisch - Englisch
Datum und Zeit der Buchung:
15 April (10:00 - 18:00)
Verhandlungsdolmetschen in Kairo
Arabisch - Englisch
237.0 EUR
Datum und Zeit der Buchung:
15 April (10:00 - 18:00)
Dolmetschen der Telefongespräche in Kairo
Arabisch - Englisch
237.0 EUR
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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