5 years of experience in the international events held in Saint Petersburg. I had the exchange semester in Copenhagen with the English language at the University UCC Zahle. I provide consecutive interpretation at various international events.
Professional skills:
1. Translation of official and legal documentation from English and into English (birth certificate, passport, etc.);
2. Consecutive interpreting during international events;
3. Organization of international events (communication with foreign delegates).
I have letters of appreciation for my interpreting experience.
Work experience:
II Fresh Russian Communications Conference 2017 in Moscow
Fair "Education abroad" IQ Consultancy
X Fair IClass UKFair
IQ Consultancy Fair "Private schools abroad"
30th international Fair of Education
Russian-Finnish seminar "Medical and social support for the elderly: expanding the boundaries of active age"
Education Fair "IClass UKFair"
The fourth international network conference of universities signatories to the UN Memorandum of understanding
All-Russian IT forum for "import Substitution in the software industry in Russia"
29th international fair of education
Russian-Finnish seminar "Substance Abuse among youth: treatment and prevention in Russia and Finland"
The Eurasian women's forum
تخصص الترجمة:
أجهزة الكمبيوتر: تكنولوجيا المعلومات | الطبخ والصناعات الغذائية | البيئة وحماية البيئة | الموضوعات الشائعة | الإعلام، الصحافة | الطب (بشكل عام) | الطب: الرعاية الصحية | المعدات الرياضية والرياضية | الدولة، السياسة | السياحة والسفر | علم اللغة
- انقر فوق "طلب" أمام الخدمة المحددة
- أعد الطلب مع بيانات بطاقة الائتمان أو فاتورة الدفع عن طريق التحويل المصرفي. كما يمكنك اختيار خيار الدفع نقدا إلى مترجم.
- تلقي تأكيد الطلب وقسيمة مع بيانات الاتصال بالمترجم