Interpreter in Atlanta. 15+years of experience as Russian language simultaneous and consecutive interpreter, including official cabinet-level government assignments.
Independent translator for translation agencies, law firms and private clients, translating texts on various subjects, including general technical, IT technologies, legal, medical and socio-economic. Contract Interpreter for the Open World Programs sponsored by the US Library of Congress. 2001-current. Independent interpreter, providing consecutive medical interpreting at doctor’s offices and hospitals. Contract Interpreter for the US Federal District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and for the Fourth Circuit in South Carolina. Contract Interpreter for the US Department of State, Office of Language Services. Successfully passed conference and seminar level tests. Provided simultaneous and consecutive interpretation of over 60 seminars and exchange programs for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the Department of State on various topics ranging from Accountable Governance, Agricultural Outreach and Extension, Mass Media and Education to Nanotechnologies, Anti-Terrorism Assistance and Port Security. Assisted with logistics and daily program administration 1995-current
تخصص الترجمة:
زراعة | أجهزة الكمبيوتر والإنترنت (بشكل عام) | البيئة وحماية البيئة | التعليم والتدريب والتربية | العلاقات الدولية والمنظمات | القانون (بشكل عام) | الطب (بشكل عام) | العلوم العسكرية | الدولة، السياسة | المحاسبة
- انقر فوق "طلب" أمام الخدمة المحددة
- أعد الطلب مع بيانات بطاقة الائتمان أو فاتورة الدفع عن طريق التحويل المصرفي. كما يمكنك اختيار خيار الدفع نقدا إلى مترجم.
- تلقي تأكيد الطلب وقسيمة مع بيانات الاتصال بالمترجم