114 из 286 переводчиков в Риме доступны для заказа
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€320/8 часов
Профессиональный переводчик-синхронист русского, итальянского и английского.
Глубокое знание технической, медицинской, юридической сфер и IT-терминов.
Конференции, переговоры, выставки, интервью.
Работа с ведущими международными компаниями (Microsoft, L'Oreal, Газпром, РЖД, Telecom Italia, Johnson&Johnson).
Бонус: французский.
€240/8 часов
Я переводчик-фрилансер. Проживаю в Европе уже как 10 лет. Я предоставляю услуги переводчика в языковых парах русский-английский-итальянский-испанский для групп и частных лиц на территории Испании и Италии.
Я успешно провожу курсы, переговоры, партнерские встречи в медицинской, технической, промышленной и др. областях.
€208/8 часов
I am a professional freelance interpreter and translator from French and English into Italian (mother tongue) in Rome, Milan and other Italian cities and as English private teacher in pharmaceutical companies in Italy and abroad. Available to move all over Europe. Competitive rates.
€400/8 часов
I am a conference interpreter in Rome with the following language combinations:
English > Italian > English, German > Italian > German, French > Italian. I work as a freelancer and carry out the following services: simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, liaison/business interpreting.
€520/8 часов
Freelance translator and interpreter in Rome. 25 years' work experience as free lance interpreter in large international companies in Italy and in Europe and some experience in the USA. I provide all types of interpretation and translation, I have considerable experience of interpretation in the area of utilities, legal area and economy.
Мария Виттория
€584/8 часов
Я являюсь переводчиком конференций, специализированным в фармацевтическом, медицинском и техническом областях, владею итальянским, английским, русским и французским языками. Предоставляю услуги перевода в Риме, Милане и в других городах Италии, США, Великобритании
€320/8 часов
Профессиональный переводчик-синхронист в Италии. Русский, английский, итальянский и французский языки, синхронный и последовательный перевод, сопровождение. Окончила магистратуру Университета Болоньи, факультет перевода. Специализация: недвижимость, промышленные инспекции, бизнес.
Maria Elena
€416/8 часов
I am a professional conference interpreter in Rome, Milan and other cities of Italy, France, Belgium, working in the following language pairs: Eng>Ita>Eng, Ger>Ita and Fr>Ita>Fr. I am also a certified interpreter in Luxembourg. I provide all type of interpretation, including: simultaneous, consecutive, liaison and chuchotage interpreting.
€500/8 часов
I translate from English and Italian into French and vice versa and at times from
German and Lithuanian into French and/or Italian.
€400/8 часов
I am a bilingual translator and interpreter.
I have worked as an interpreter and translator for 7 years.
My language pair is: English - Italian.
I work as a consecutive interpreter and simultaneous one.
Working in an environment like FAO really boosted my skills, working in international events.
€456/8 часов
Since 2005 I have been working as a freelance conference interpreter and translator in Rome, Milan, other cities of Italy and abroad. I provide language support during business trips and tours to factories in Italy and abroad. Furthermore, I can organise and coordinate teams of interpreters for international conferences.
€664/8 часов
I am a professional interpreter, working with English-French and Italian in the cities of Rimini, Bologna, Rome, Ancona, Milan. I provide simultaneous, consecutive, whispered interpreting as well as for escorting clients on site or when travelling abroad. I do translate from Croatian into italian.
€704/8 часов
Professional interpreter + chef d'équipe
Engaged + customer-focused
Simultaneous interpreting (conferences and multilingual meetings)
Consecutive and whispered interpreting (small group/business meetings, presentations, entertainment, social events, trade missions)
Public service interpreting (social, medical and legal)
€416/8 часов
Symultaneous Interpreter & SYnologist in Rome, Italy. She has worked in many international contests coordinating, at times, working groups located in different parts of the world. She is an excellent organizer, accustomed to turn difficult projects into successful ones.
€200/8 часов
Buongiorno! Меня зовут Маргарита и я живу в самом прекрасном городе на планете Земля, Рим! Здесь я работаю гидом, сопровождающим, персональным ассистентом, шоппинг-ассистентом и переводчиком. Во мне вы найдете прекрасного помощника, советчика, рассказчика (историка) и очень ответственного человека. С нетерпением жду встречи с Вами!
€200/8 часов
Professional, qualified conference and public services interpreter. Italian, French, English speaking. Experience: extensive experience as conference, liaison, telephone interpreter in many countries as well as professional translator. Studies: BA lnterpreting and translation, MA Conference Interpreting with honours.
€216/8 часов
More than 2 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Rome. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).