Bachelor's degree + spec. art in Italian language and literature obtained after four years from University of Montenegro /Faculty of Philosophy, Montenegro:
Interpreter / Translator (from and to Italian language), Translator/Reviser from English to Montenegrin. Consecutive, whispered and negotiation interpreting.
I am from Montenegro and I'm native speaker of Montenegrin, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian. I have graduated from Faculty of Philosophy of University of Montenegro in Italian Language and Literature. I worked two years at a Italian trading company as an interpreter and translator from Montenegrin / Serbian / Croatian into Italian and vice versa. I have acquired significant experience as a result of the numerous meetings between my Italian managers and various Montenegrin representatives,as well as thanks to the many different types of translations such as general and legal translations, commercial and business translations and so on. At the same time I also did the consecutive, whispered and negotiation interpreter in the language combinations referred to above. I worked also as a teacher of Italian language and as a translator from Italian into Croatian and vice versa with Italian marketing agency. Currently I work as a translator and reviewer English into Montenegrin, Italian into Serbo-Croatian and vice versa with some Italian translation agencies.
Специализация перевода:
Бухгалтерский учет | Реклама и PR | Коммерция (в целом) | Строительство, строительная техника | Экономика | Финансы и кредит | Юриспруденция: контракты | СМИ, журналистика | Энергетика и энергосбережение | Вино, виноделие, виноградарство
Пары языков перевода:
сербский - итальянский | итальянский - сербский | хорватский - итальянский | итальянский - хорватский | боснийский - итальянский | итальянский - боснийский
*Стоимость заказа за выбранное время, с учетом скидок
Как заказать переводчика в городе Pristina:
- нажать "Заказать" напротив выбранной услуги
- оформить заказ кредитной картой или получив счет для оплаты банковским переводом. Также вы можете выбрать вариант оплаты наличными переводчику.
- получить подтверждение заказа и Ваучер с данными для контакта с переводчиком