22 из 263 переводчиков в Мадриде доступны для заказа
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€480/8 часов
I started working as a conference interpreter in 2003. English<>Spanish, French<>Spanish, French<>English.
Specialized in water management, medicine, agriculture, social, housing, transport, logistics, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, health&safety, tourism, design, art, politics. Wide experience.
Live in Madrid.
€720/8 часов
I am a Spanish, English & French interpreter working between the three. I hold a BA+MA in Translation & Interpreting, as well as a Masters in Bidirectional Conference Interpreting. I am a certified/sworn interpreter appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. My fields of expertise are legal, medical, business, industrial...
€500/8 часов
French and Spanish native speaker and full professional proficiency in English. I work from and to those 3 languages. On top of that, I am a French/Spanish sworn (or certified) interpreter since 2008. I am based in Madrid but willing to travel.
Video samples and references are available upon request.
€200/8 часов
Степень бакалавра письменного и устного перевода Университета Мерсии, степень магистра перевода и устного перевода Университета Гранады. Более 9 лет работаю юридическим переводчиком с русского, румынского, французского и итальянского языков на испанский. Мне нравится все, что связано с законом, политикой и культурой.
€800/8 часов
12 лет опыта работы, специализация - бизнес переводы в разных отраслях. Большой опыт переводов медицинской терминологии, IT, финансах, экономики, маркетинге, одежде промышленности, оборудовании. Личностные качества - тактичность, интеллектуальность, позитивность.Успешных бизнес контактов и продуктивных встреч, хорошего всем дня!
€640/8 часов
I am fluent in English, French, and Spanish. During the past 9 years, I have worked primarily as a translator and interpreter in Paris for legal institutions involved in the diplomatic and economic arenas. Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. Long experience in interpretations for business meetings as well as a medical interpreter
€720/8 часов
Опытный устный переводчик в Европе. Я обеспечиваю синхронный и последовательный перевод на конференциях, семинарах, маркетинговых мероприятиях, деловых встречах, презентациях, выставках, фестивалях, во время переговоров, а также во время деловых и частных визитов. Я с удовольствием езжу в командировки по всей Европе и другим странам.
Nuria Guixeras
€327.0/8 часов
Active professional translator and interpreter in English and French based in Santiago - Chile, consecutive, simultaneous interpreting, whispering, inverse and direct translation in both English and French.
€627.0/8 часов
My working languages are French/English mother tongue and Spanish as a passive. As an Interpreter / Translator & Proofreader, and Intercultural Specialist (very knowledgeable of French-speaking Africa), I enjoy putting my expertise and experience to the service of people in international environments.
€800/8 часов
More than 20 yrs experience, private interpreter for French-English and English-French interpretation and translation in Paris, and abroad. I work at business meetings, seminars, negotiations, presentations, exhibitions. I pride myself in being a real member of my customer's team, so that the message is fully received by the other party.
€1144/8 часов
I am a full-time freelance translator and conference interpreter. My language combinations include English/Spanish/Catalan into French, English/French/Catalan into Spanish and English/Spanish/French into Catalan. I am based in Barcelona but I am available for assignments worlwide.
€136/8 часов
Free-lance and clients intepretations and translations, with considerable experience, in Italy, Spain, UK, Ireland, Portugal, France, Germany, Suisse, USA, Mexico and Latin America. I provide all types of interpretation and translation, including at corporate negotiations and on-line languages courses.
€496/8 часов
I am a graduate in Translation and Interpreting (specialized in French/English>Spanish/Galician) and in Touristic Companies and Services (French and English as specialized languages). I have also done five years of French studies at the State School of Languages in Vigo. In short, I have thirteen years of both English and French studies.
€426.0/8 часов
Hi! I'm an international Business Conference Interpreter, originally from London, working all over Europe.
I can get you talking to new clients or contacts abroad in their native language, helping you to seal the deal.
So what are you waiting for? Let's get talking!
Dr. Hammouda Salhi
€700/8 часов
Hammouda Salhi, PhD is a Senior Interpreter (Arabic-English-French)-- You deserve better wor(l)ds--
Extensive experience (20 years) as Chief Interpreter, Professor & Author.
- Interpreted for high-profile world leaders, e.g. former and current UN Secretaries General Moon and Guterres, Russian President Putin and President Gauck.
€640/8 часов
Conference interpreter/Professional Translator for around ten years (Booth, consecutive, whispering, sight translation...). I interpret for NGOs, CSOs, public and private bodies and tackle many fields (e.g. pricing strategies, flood management, governance, decentralisation, legal ..)
(Interprète à Tunis)
€896.0/8 часов
More than 35 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in Montevideo. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the personal assistant (assistant).