Freelance experienced interpreter in Seoul. I am not a simultanious translater, only consecutive. I can though perform as an agent in searching for korean products and servises. I would recomment myself because I am experienced, easy-to-work-with, friendly and talaned.
I am Belarusian. I was born in 1984. When I was a school student generally I showed excellent results in studying but most of all I enjoyed learning English. When I was in high school I have won the golden medal in English language competition between the other schools. I graduated with perfect diploma and decided to go further with studying different languages.
I entered the BSU, International Affairs Dept. My major was Korean language and after 5 years of studies I got a Bachelor degree in it. When it was my third grade in the University I also had a language exchage programme done in Korea, Cheonju, CBNU. I was studying in Korea during one year.
While still being a university student I managed to do a part time job in a company, which was a supplier of korean heavy-industry equipment in Belarus.
I moved to Korea in 2009 and have been living here since then.
I have been an employee for a couple of korean companies, engaged mainly in import-export kind of business or helping with scientific collaboration projects.
I decided to be a freelance interpreter because it gives me more possibilites to meet people doing their job in all kinds of spheres. Working as a part-time interpreter also makes me more flexible with the time and it broadens my horizon.
Since I have started doing a part-time interpretation I got a lot of experience. I have been to all kinds of business meeting, conventions, helped with medical translation assistance etc. Sometimes I also work as a guide mainly in Seoul.
La especialización de la interpretación:
Aviación y Cosmonáutica | Química y Tecnologías Químicas | Construcción, Maquinaria de construcción | Cosmética, perfumería, Moda | Técnica y Tecnología (en general) | Fabricación industrial | Medicina: (en general) | Topografìa | Hostelería y Turismo | Transporte, Vehículos, Camionaje | Comercio (en general)
*El precio del encargo por el tiempo seleccionado, con los descuentos
Como reservar a un intérprete en Inchon:
- Pulsar "Encargar", que está enfrente del servicio seleccionado
- Realizar su encargo con tarjeta crédito, o recibir una factura del pago por transferencia bancaria. También Usted puede elegir a pagar en efectivo al intérprete.
- Recibir una confirmación del encargo y los datos del intérprete para ponerse en contacto
Porqué el
Los precios de los intérpretes sin sobretasas de las agencias
El pago en línea o en efectivo al intérprete
Cancelación gratuita, garantías de reembolso de los pagos
Hacer encargo sin registrarse
Posibilidad de hacer encargo para la empresa
Seguridad de los pagos en línea, protección de los datos