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India, Delhi
El período seleccionado: desde 10:00 hasta 18:00 - de abril 11
Intérprete en Delhi - Seema

Intérprete profesional en Delhi

Educación (1) Su perfil está confirmado Contactos están verificados
Frecuencia de las respuestas: 100% Tiempo de la respuesta: Dentro del día
Envie al intérprete una solicitud o reserva la fecha y la hora, utilizando el botón "Encargar", que está enfrente de los servicios abajo.
Escribir al intérprete
I have been associated with educational industry for more than fifteen years. I have been always interested into linguistics and communications being a student of literature. I have got some opportunities to work as an interpreter in a friendly atmosphere which I enjoyed immensely. This is kind of work I have always wanted to do.
Though I have been in different fields as career options, I have always wanted to be in a field where I have to interact with lot of people from different cultures and countries. This was a dream career for me, but destiny had other things in store for me. I was working at an export house where lots of foreigners used to come to look and buy Indian antiques and silks. I could speak English better than anybody else there so I always worked as an interpreter from Hindi speaking staff to English speaking customers. I used to enjoy this process immensely. I wanted to become a tourist guide in India but that required lots of money and contacts and I had none. I enrolled in a Spanish Course so that I could become a Spanish interpreter at the age of 48, but found out that to become so fluent in the language takes lot of time and efforts. It was not possible since I had a full time job and home to manage. Today I am fifty three but still I feel that I am capable of fulfilling my dream of becoming a tourist guide or interpreter though I can only speak and interpret English and Hindi. Though I understand Spanish, I feel to be an interpreter or translator one has to have impeccable command on both the languages. I have confidence on my capabilities in Hindi being my native language and in English being a good student of the same. I have experience of communicating in both the languages in friendly groups and atmosphere, if you can consider that as experience I would be highly obliged. Thank You Seema Saxena
La especialización de la interpretación:
Publicidad y Relaciones públicas | Artes, Artesanado, Pintura figurativa | Culinaria e Industria alimentaria | Educación, Aprendizaje y Pedagogía | Lingüística | Literatura y Estudios Literarios | Medios de comunicación, Periodismo | Música y Teatro | Ciencias sociales, Sociología, Ética, etc. | Hostelería y Turismo
Idiomas de la interpretación:
inglés - hindi | hindi - inglés
Los servicios disponibles para el encargo de de abril 11 (10:00 - 18:00): ¿Cambiar la hora? El precio*
por 8 horas
Acompañamiento de personas privadas 110.0 EUR Encargar
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*El precio del encargo por el tiempo seleccionado, con los descuentos

Como reservar a un intérprete en Delhi:

- Pulsar "Encargar", que está enfrente del servicio seleccionado
- Realizar su encargo con tarjeta crédito, o recibir una factura del pago por transferencia bancaria. También Usted puede elegir a pagar en efectivo al intérprete.
- Recibir una confirmación del encargo y los datos del intérprete para ponerse en contacto

Porqué el interpreters.travel:

Los precios de los intérpretes sin sobretasas de las agencias

El pago en línea o en efectivo al intérprete

Cancelación gratuita, garantías de reembolso de los pagos

Hacer encargo sin registrarse

Posibilidad de hacer encargo para la empresa

Seguridad de los pagos en línea, protección de los datos

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