Thailand, Bangkok
Ausgewählte Periode: von 10:00 bis 18:00 - 15 April
Professionelle Dolmetscher in Bangkok
in einige Stunden
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I lived abroad for 20 years my English proficiency is very good. When I worked in Bangkok, I worked with multinational companies such as Japanese, Swiss, Singaporean and German ones so one of my tasks was interpretation and translation either on verbal or written ones in pair of Thai-English language.
My English level is B2 and got certification from UK visa and Immigration to prove my Bachelor degree and English proficiency when I lived there.
In Germany I also got certificate to prove that I graduated in BBA degree from Assumption University.
When I worked as self -employed interpreter in UK, I got job order from language agency for the client in hospital or in police station but it depended on my flexible time and location that I had to go for a job order.
I would check and asked first what the job was about because I could prepare myself upfront for at least to know and learn some technical words in case the information that I needed to interpret was in very detailed and in special terms such as medical or law because I wanted to do my best and cause mistakes as few as possible in translation or interpretation.
My strengths are resilience and empathy. I ever worked in multinational companies such as Japanese, German, Swiss, Singaporean ones when I worked in Bangkok and definitely I used English in communication with my managers and also I helped and supported other staffs and managers as translator and interpreter when they needed and required my assistance.
Marketing, Marktforschung | Tourismus und Reise
Thai - Englisch | Englisch - Thai
Datum und Zeit der Buchung:
15 April (10:00 - 18:00)
Messedolmetschen in Bangkok
Thai - Englisch
274.0 EUR
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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