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Hello! I am Karine, practicing freelance translation services in Armenian , Russian and English pairs. The filelds I am adept in are Medicine, Law, Construction, Marketing, Education, Banking. My experience is both domestic, within my country(Armenia), I am also a lawyer, and with International Companies. Regards, Karine
I am Karine, a freelance translator and a lawyer, linguist.
I have vast experience in Life sciences/medical-pharmaceutical/ field, I have worked as a Clinical data manager on protocols, etc. in an American company and till now I do medical-pharma-life sciences, translations, editing, also proofing.
Also, being a lawyer by my 2-nd specialization, I also have vast experience in Legal, Finance terminology, translation of laws, decrees, decisions, contracts, finance and banking documentation, etc. in different conferences, scientific event, also in written form.
Currently I also take jobs in technical, construction and mining spheres.
As for my previous experience I have written and translated articles, texts on Network Security and data security, Intrusion Detection, Computer Security, Company Security policy, Cloud and Computing, Network Security and data Security, Antivirus Software, Network auditing, Encryption, Software license compliance, Password Recovery, Home Network Security and Vulnerability, etc.
All of the above mentioned refer to both translation/proof and editing. I am always online, prompt and available. The job quality is on a high level.
Looking forward to working with you soon!!!
Buchhaltung | Banking | Bildung, Training und Pädagogik | Jura (gesamt) | Marketing, Marktforschung | Medizin: Gesundheitspflege | Medizin: Pharmazie
Armenisch - Englisch | Englisch - Armenisch
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