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Italien, Rom
Ausgewählte Periode: von 10:00 bis 18:00 - 6 Mai
Dolmetscher in Rom - Margaryta

Professionelle Dolmetscher in Rom

Ausbildung (4) Profil ist verifiziert Geprüfte Kontaktdaten
Antwortfrequenz: 49% Antwortdauer: innerhalb eine Stunde
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My life was always about tourism and interpreting. Now i live in the most beautiful city in the World, Rome. Let me show It to You! Did you found already your personal guide, shop helper or interpreter? I am here for you! Text me! And I am sure we will collaborate! I will try to make your trip unique and unforgettable!
Buongiorno! My Name is Margherita. . Starting from my first day of the adult life, I decided to dedicate it to tourism, interpreting and human happiness of the travelers. I worked as a guide in Turkey, I had an amazing experience by travelling and visiting USA and California by the student program Work &Travel. I was working many years as a tour leader and private guide in ten European countries and whole Italy. Rome is a place, where the dreams come true. Once upon a time, I came to Rome and understood that it’s my Eternal City! I live in one of the most magical and beautiful city in the World. Now I am a guide in Rome. Rome is the greatest city on Earth, the splendid box of marvels! Here you can find everything you need, everything that you ever dream to find! The great story. The best Food, delicious in its simplicity and particularity. Fantastic and incredibly beautiful Panoramas. You can find here much more that simply everything. From ancient, mediaeval and baroque temples, until amazing nature with deep volcanic lakes, waterfalls, powerful rocks and seascapes. From best wine in the world to fantastic atmosphere of Italian restaurants with its legendary cousin. And of course there is another reason why u come to Rome. Its definitely the high fashion and the best shopping in Europe. Where you can buy the masterpieces of fashion industry on the best and cheap price guaranteed! Moreover, I can tell you honestly. You can’t leave Rome without it legendary shopping. Millions of people, were coming to Rome only because of that! You will see all this luxury shops by yourself: Valetnino, Missoni, Salvatore Ferragamo, Ermenegildo Zegna, Stone Island, Jimmy Choo, Moschino, Boggi, Baldinini, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Dsquared2 and many others! And I promise you, that with me you will look like a million, without spending to much. How? It will be just our secret. See you soon!
Tourismus und Reise | Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen
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Dienstleistungen, welche für Buchung verfügbar 6 Mai (10:00 - 18:00): Datum, Zeit ändern? Preise*
für 8 Stunden
Verhandlungsdolmetschen 200.0 EUR Buchen
Professional translation GET QUOTE
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt

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- klicken Sie auf "Buchen" gegenüber ausgewählten Dienstleistung
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- Sie bekommen einen Auftragsbestätigung und Voucher mit Kontaktdaten Ihres Dolmetschers

Warum interpreters.travel:

Die Preise ohne Vermittlungsgebühren

Onlinezahlung oder Bar an Dolmetscher

Kostenlose Stornierung, Rückzahlungsgarantie

Buchung ohne Anmeldung

Buchung auf das Unternehmen

Sichere Onlinezahlungen, Datenschutz

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