Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет. Факультет филологии. Переводчик английского языка в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.:
Санкт-Петербургская Инженерная Школа Электроники (колледж), переводчик и референт научно-технической и патентной литературы, лингвистическая практика за рубежом (Норвегия).:
Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет, факультет филологии, испанский язык.:
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More than 10 years experience as a consecutive and simultaneous interpreter. Economical, technical, legal issues, business, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, personal assistant. Have experience of cooperation with Schlumberger, Fincantieri, Samsung, Rolls-Royce, Clariant, BASF, State Duma of Russia, etc.
Career — 15 years
October 2019
Economic Forum Russia-Africa
Consecutive interpreter for Mr. Kovalchuk, Vice Governor of Chelyabinskaya Region on economic cooperation with African countries.
October 2019
Simultaneous interpreter
International conference on life support systems for aquariums and basins for animals "Water-2019» in Sochi
Topic: discussion of issues and problems related to the choice of equipment, technologies and methods of water purification and disinfection and life support systems. Design, construction and operation of large-size aquariums, oceanariums, dolphinariums.
July 2019 — September 2019
Rosgeo Overseas AG, Project in Kingdom of Bahrain
Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation at the meetings of Russian seismic survey party members with representatives of the customer and supervisors, the Kingdom of Bahrain
June 2019
Consecutive interpreter
St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2019
Simultaneous, consecutive interpretation at the forum, including interpretation for the Minister of health of Russia Ms. Skvortsova
November 2018
Consecutive interpreter
Clariant Company, Sochi
September 2018
Simultaneous interpreter
Global Forum of Convergent and Nature-like Technologies, Sochi
Chairman of the Forum - Andrey Fursenko, assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.
September 2018 Simultaneous interpreter
Schlumberger, Sochi
Consecutive interpreter
FIFA world Cup 2018, Sochi
Translation for the delegation from Qatar (representatives of the organizing Committee of the 2022 FIFA World Cup)
Since 2006
Saint Petersburg Chamber of Commerce
Responsibility: written translation
Topics: complex technological equipment, economy, marketing, construction and operation of sports facilities, construction of "St. Petersburg" stadium, aviation, legislation, contracts, etc.
Buchhaltung | Luft und Raumfahrt | Chemie und Chemietechnologie | Komputer: Systeme und Netzwerk | Ekologie und Umweltschutz | Wirtschaft | Führung und Management | Bauingeneurwissenschaften | Nukleartechnologie, Nuklearphysik | Öl und Gas
Russisch - Englisch | Englisch - Russisch
Dienstleistungen, welche für Buchung verfügbar 14 April (10:00 - 18:00):
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*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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