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I am specialized in textile sector, available in turkey and shengen area for international fairs and meetings.
always trying to be flexible with coustmers helping reach their objectives. Currently living in bursa turkey but I also can travel in the other city's here in turkey and also in most of EU countries. Hope to see you soon.
I am 29 years old born in Korçe Albania currently living in bursa turkey. From six years I am living here, I have 3 years of experience in the textile industry mostly in woven fabrics working in one company here in bursa which produce fabrics for wedding and evening dresses. I also participated in a lot of fashion fairs around Europe and world.
I made new clients and contacts in countries like italy, Spain,israel, North Macedonia, Undited kingdom, Sweden
Wirtschaft | E-kommerz | Geographie | Geschichte | Auslandsbeziehungen und Organisationen | Txtilindustrie | Tourismus und Reise | Transport, Fahrzeuge, Frachttransport
*Gesamtpreis für die ausgewählte Zeitraum, inkl. Rabatt
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- klicken Sie auf "Buchen" gegenüber ausgewählten Dienstleistung
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