مترجم شفوي محترف في بوزنان
MSLU, MA degree in Modern foreign languages (interpreting and translation): Linguist, Interpreter and Translator (English, German):
UAM im.Adama Mickiewicza, International Politics and Journalism, International Journalist:
تم تأكيد الملف الشخصي
تم التحقق من جهات الاتصال
عنوان البريد الإلكتروني: ▒▒▒▒▒▒@▒▒▒▒.com
رقم الهاتف المحمول: ▒▒▒▒▒▒93
جهات الاتصال ستكون متاحة بعد تأكيد الطلب
معدل الاستجابة:
وقت الاستجابة:
في غضون بعض ساعات
قم بإرسال طلب مترجم فوري طلب أولي أو أحجز على الفور في التاريخ والوقت المحدد باستخدام زر " اطلب الآن" الموجود أدناه تحت الخدمات.
اتصل بالمترجم
Dedicated to my profession and Clients' assignments. Being trained by professionals before my educational start at the Linguistic University's School of Translation and Interpreting, thus started gaining regular experience in 2005. Now, after 14 years of active work I'm professional reliable and diplomatic in cooperation with.
Interpreting and translation services, language training for experts (engineers, executives). Main interpreting areas of expertise:
ENGINEERING,TECHNICAL,PROCUREMENT, INDUSTRIAL, OIL & GAS, NUCLEAR,CONSTRUCTION, ENVIRONMENTAL (Albright Stonebridge Group, Alstom Konstal, European Nuclear Conferences, ROSATOM, Directorate-General for Research&Innovation, EU Commission, Maire Tecnimont SPA, KCC Corporation, Novawind, VetroSGC, Primatec, GAZPROM PJSC, SOUTH32, Węglokoks, Sinopec Corp., Scientific & Research Centre for Fire Protection, NIPIGAS JSC, V. Filanovsky Field Facilities Construction, E.ON New Build Technology, GSE Starstroy-Engineering, D.Khabarovsk Refinery, Atomenergo, WindEurope Exhibitions, The Solten Group, IBM Technologies, Orlen), INTERNATIONAL TRADE & CUSTOMS, FINANCE, GOVERNMENTAL (Visa Inc., ZUS Polska, Wrocław University, Faculty of Law, Administration
and Economics, Symposium on Questioned Document Examination, Adidas AG, ExporuN Luxemburg Sarl, Hewlett Packard Polska, Coty Polska, UPS Polska, Tehcnitrace, AFingredients, Quadrisorb, Alphatech, Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), Central Bank of Russia, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Wyborowa Pernod Ricard, Asseco Poland), HEALTHCARE, PHARMACY (Amgen, Pfizer, BASF, Ministry of Healthcare (Poland), Warsaw State Medical University, Red Cross Organization), MEDIA, SCIENCE, CULTURE, EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY (Cryopol, Union of Architects, Fund “TUS”, Global LT, UEFA 2012, FIFA 2018, Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Theatre of Polish Radio, The National Museum in Warsaw).
Here's only a part of the completed projects presented. Services for many clients are provided on a regular basis. You can make a request for specified information via e-mail.