为什么选择interpreters travel?








日本, 东京
选择日期: 自 10:00 到 18:00 - 四月11
东京译员 - Takashi


(4) 教育 (2) 联系方式证实
回复率:: 32% 回复时间: 若干小时内
Professional interpreter in Tokyo. English-Japanese interpreter and translator. I am a national certified guide in Japan and I can offer you a guide service in and around Tokyo. More than 12 years experience in international B2B (metal industries) in Japan. Having a working experience in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia and UAE.
English-Japanese interpreter and translator. I am a national certified guide in Japan and I can offer you a guide service in Tokyo, Yokohama, Hakone, Kamakura, Nikko & Mt. Fuji. I can arrange an original private guide tour according to guests request. More than 12 years experience in international B2B /Metal industries in Japan. For both business & private purpose, I've been over 80 countries. During my career at Japanese trading & investment company, I had traveled a lot to negotiate and maintain a relationship with clients in USA, Europe(especially France), UK, Africa, Middle East, Vietnam, Singapore & Taiwan. For 4 years, I've worked in Dubai as manger for Marketing, Sales & development of new business model. My clients were National Oil & Gas company, International Oil & Gas development company and On-shore & Off-shore EPC. We made a sales more than 80 million USD during the period when I've worked in the Middle East. And in Dubai, I also got a chance to work at local partner company. At that time, my boss is from UK and I've learned a lot of English business skill and communication from her. Sometime Japanese business practice is too special to understand about the way of thinking by Japanese. She touch me both good points and bad points about Japanese business practice. Therefore I could recognize these during international business negotiation and improved my negotiation skill a lot. Regarding my guide experience, I've guided over 150 guests from abroad for a last half year. My guests come mainly from USA, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Germany, Italy and Brazil. My favorite place to visit is Tsukiji fish market & historical district/Yanaka in Tokyo. I do like cultural activity and I learn now Ikebana for my fun. Personally I recommend business traveler to have a free day to walk around Tokyo to get hits about Japanese culture and business practice during the stay. it makes you easier to develop your business in Japan.
工业生产 | 世界关系与组织 | 货运 | 市场营销,市场研究 | 冶金和金属加工 | 采矿和地质学 | 体育和运动设备 | 旅游和旅行
英语 - 日语 | 日语 - 英语
订单服务在四月11 (10:00 - 18:00): 修改日期,时间 总费用*
за 8小时
导游翻译,导游服务 612.0 EUR 预定
采访翻译 917.0 EUR 预定
诊所咨询翻译 917.0 EUR 预定
庆典翻译 917.0 EUR 预定
谈判翻译 1070.0 EUR 预定
电话翻译 1452.0 EUR 预定
谈判翻译 1147.0 EUR 预定
个人陪同翻译 344.0 EUR 预定
研讨会或会议翻译 764.0 EUR 预定
Professional translation GET QUOTE


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为什么选择interpreters travel?






