More than 8 years of experience as consecutive and simultaneous interpreter in
Bangkok. Interpretation, translation, technical lexicon, legal lexicon, business
correspondence, participation in negotiations, interpretation at exhibitions, the
personal assistant (assistant).
A Thai-English Interpreter ( Native Thai).
In Ireland; an Interpreter in courts and hospitals.
In Thailand; an Interpreter in courts and simultaneous/ escort/ consecutive interpreter for seminars, projects, and etc as well as a Translator for agencies ( in Thailand and Ireland).
Extra: 9 months experience in an Ecotourism resort in Luang Prbang, Lao PDR.
Recently, an interpreter for an automotive factory in Thailand and India.
Interest: Mindfulness or Vipassana Retreat ( Buddhist Meditation).
Attending MA in English ( International Program) at Mahachula Buddhist University in Thailand. ( educational background: BE (Telecom Engineering) from SUT, Thailand + PDML in Management and Leadership from Griffith College in Ireland).