Freelance experienced interpreter in Seoul. I am not a simultanious translater, only consecutive. I can though perform as an agent in searching for korean products and servises. I would recomment myself because I am experienced, easy-to-work-with, friendly and talaned.
I am Belarusian. I was born in 1984. When I was a school student generally I showed excellent results in studying but most of all I enjoyed learning English. When I was in high school I have won the golden medal in English language competition between the other schools. I graduated with perfect diploma and decided to go further with studying different languages.
I entered the BSU, International Affairs Dept. My major was Korean language and after 5 years of studies I got a Bachelor degree in it. When it was my third grade in the University I also had a language exchage programme done in Korea, Cheonju, CBNU. I was studying in Korea during one year.
While still being a university student I managed to do a part time job in a company, which was a supplier of korean heavy-industry equipment in Belarus.
I moved to Korea in 2009 and have been living here since then.
I have been an employee for a couple of korean companies, engaged mainly in import-export kind of business or helping with scientific collaboration projects.
I decided to be a freelance interpreter because it gives me more possibilites to meet people doing their job in all kinds of spheres. Working as a part-time interpreter also makes me more flexible with the time and it broadens my horizon.
Since I have started doing a part-time interpretation I got a lot of experience. I have been to all kinds of business meeting, conventions, helped with medical translation assistance etc. Sometimes I also work as a guide mainly in Seoul.