• 译员选择
  • 服务选择
  • 生成订单
当前城市的口译服务:东京 - 日本.
选择的期限: 四月11 (10:00 - 18:00) 修改日期,时间
互译语言: 英语 - 日语 | 日语 - 英语
选择的服务: 诊所咨询翻译
补充服务: I will help you as much as I can if you are ill and in emergency situations. Coordination services offered for people who come to Japan and need medical assistance. I will help to arrange for your medical needs, work with you to find appropriate hospital in case of emergency and coordinate between you, your family and the hospital. I am capable of in depth discussions with medical staff, will help prepare all paperwork transactions if needing to be checked into hospital, medical bill and questions of costs answered, I will be extra sincere as a go between for you and your medical staff and work as everyone’s hands and feet to get things to move along so there are no misunderstandings about what needs to be done. This is to protect your health and well-being. Your condition and state of health in the event something happens to you while you are here. I can work with insurance companies, national health system inquiries, help to extend your visa if you need to remain in the hospital longer than your visa allows. Many things become potential problems with unexpected health change. Everything will be kept private and I will release all my information to you upon your release from the hospital here. I know the medical system of Japan first hand. I am well versed with cases where nonJapanese people come to Tokyo and find themselves unable to get medical care as many hospitals do not accept foreign health or even travel insurance. In case of emergency this is detrimental, most hospitals will accept you however the Covid-19 pandemic has created havoc and many hospitals are up to their limit, the medics are working overtime. Most hospital beds have been full since the pandemic . Tokyo is now post pandemic. Please advise me of all your medical problems in this event so I can work on your behalf and communicate with the doctors and nurses, etc. if you are not supported by a company or corporation here in Japan, major hospitals will require full payment of bills upon your release from hospitalization. Most accept credit cards but often refuse an insurance company to pay your bills later. Please be careful.
免费取消订单: 11 四月 10:00之前
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