为什么选择interpreters travel?








乌克兰, 敖德薩
选择日期: 自 10:00 到 18:00 - 四月11
敖德薩译员 - Iryna


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回复率:: 100% 回复时间: 若干天内
Hi . I am Irina. I have been interpreting in the travel agencies, in the hotels, and during the perfomances on the stage. I have also worked as an interpreter owner of the food company Strauss Group Michael Strauss during his buisness stay and seminar. Now I interprete and work in the leading language schools of the city.
Hi. My name is Iryna) I wish to represent myself as an intelligent, educated and hard working woman that was born in the beautiful city located at the Black Sea. I have chosen to stady the languages, as I am an active person that likes travelling and changing an ambience. I have graduated from the language faculty of the Odessa National University of Mechnikov. For 5 years I did nothing but study the languages, my main languages were German, English , Russian and Latin. Except the university subjects I have visited also the Course of Spanisch represented by Cervantes University and Japanese Centre. During these 5 years I have almost dropped out of sight , the social life was not anymore my main interest. I was interested only at studiyng. At the age of 22 I have graduated from the University and I wanted to find the job of an interpreter. But it was easier to say than to do! Finding such jobs is not easy. There are plenty of usual offers such as the positions of a translator in the Translation agency where you may translate sitting at the table... You do not really grow as an interpreter. I wanted more. I have decide to devote my life to it. First I have started in the Travel Agency, as an freelancer unterpreter and a giude, then in the hotel as an International Hostess or Guest Relation how they have called my position. Then on the ships of the Swiss company as an language support for the travellers and in the excursion department. Then everything changed. After a lot of years of an hard work and let us say study at the same time I wanted to play a more active role and went to work for the Swiss German River Cruise Company. I have succeded I have got the Position of an International guide support and Hostess. During my stay with A-Rosa I have visited remarkable musems , abbeys, wineyards , universities, operas in many contries such as France, Holland, Switzerland , Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Serbia, Austria, Slovakia..
会计 | 广告与公关 | 艺术,工艺品,绘画 | 一般话题 | 世界关系与组织 | 语言学 | 房地产开发 | 海运业务,船舶 | 旅游和旅行 | 商业(综述)
德语 - 西班牙语 | 西班牙语 - 德语 | 德语 - 英语 | 英语 - 德语 | 意大利语 - 西班牙语 | 西班牙语 - 意大利语 | 乌克兰语 - 英语 | 英语 - 乌克兰语 | 英语 - 俄罗斯语 | 俄罗斯语 - 英语 | 西班牙语 - 俄罗斯语 | 俄罗斯语 - 西班牙语 | 德语 - 意大利语 | 意大利语 - 德语 | 德语 - 俄罗斯语 | 俄罗斯语 - 德语
订单服务在四月11 (10:00 - 18:00): 修改日期,时间 总费用*
за 8小时
个人陪同翻译 80.0 EUR 预定
电话翻译 73.28 EUR 预定
司法翻译 176.0 EUR 预定
个人陪同翻译 80.0 EUR 预定
导游翻译,导游服务 208.0 EUR 预定
研讨会或会议翻译 280.0 EUR 预定
谈判翻译 280.0 EUR 预定
演示文稿翻译 240.0 EUR 预定
展会翻译 280.0 EUR 预定
采访翻译 360.0 EUR 预定
访问团陪同翻译 640.0 EUR 预定
Professional translation GET QUOTE


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为什么选择interpreters travel?






